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I <br /> Mr. Nelkie advised that staff would be providing City Council with all comments and everyone <br /> is encouraged to attend the City Council meeting to request changes. <br /> Ms. Sezen asked about the proposed staging area and who would be responsible for cleaning <br /> up droppings from horses on the trail. Mr. Nelkie informed her that the staging area is actually <br /> street parking. <br /> Mrs. Chrisman indicated that she had been given to understand that trail cleanup would be <br /> handled in the same manner as was done in the county. <br /> Lynn Reedy, 1333 Montrose Place — commented on two new housing subdivisions in the area, <br /> an increase in the number of cars driving down the steep road, cyclists not stopping for stop <br /> signs if installed. And poor visibility in the area especially for cyclists. <br /> Mr. Nelkie provided information about traffic increases in the area and that staff has noted the <br /> additional cars and pedestrian traffic. He expressed the desire of the city to complete this trail <br /> so it will be safe and available for everyone. He noted that improvements are being done to <br /> help make things safer for trail users and vehicles alike. <br /> Staff advised that all comments from this meeting will be reviewed and all concerns will be <br /> carefully considered with a focus being on making the area safe. <br /> Attendees commented on new traffic flow to the area that will be brought about because of <br /> new planned developments and felt that this needed to be brought to the attention of City <br /> Council when this project was presented to them. <br /> Mr. Gruber thanked everyone for attending. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. <br /> Old Vineyard Avenue Trail—Neighborhood Meeting Summary Notes <br /> March 2, 2017 <br /> Page 4 <br />