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labor, nondiscrimination, payroll records, apprentices, workers' compensation and prevailing <br /> wages. <br /> 17. Construction of Language of Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement <br /> shall be construed as a whole according to its common meaning or purpose of providing a public <br /> benefit and not strictly for or against any party. It shall be construed consistent with the provisions <br /> hereof, in order to achieve the objectives and purposes of the parties. Wherever required by the <br /> context, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and the masculine gender shall include <br /> the feminine or neutral genders or vice versa. The captions or headings in this Agreement are for <br /> convenience only and in no other way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provision <br /> or section of the Agreement. <br /> No less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and not less than the general prevailing <br /> rate of per diem wages for holidays and overtime work, for each craft, classification or type of <br /> worker needed to execute the work under this Agreement shall be paid to all workers, laborers and <br /> mechanics employed in the execution of the work by the Contractor or any subcontractor doing or <br /> contracting to do any part of the work. The appropriate determination of the Director of the <br /> California Department of Industrial Relations shall be filed with, and available for inspection, at the <br /> City offices. The Contractor shall forfeit fifty dollars($50.00) each calendar day or portion thereof <br /> for each worker paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any public work done under the <br /> Agreement by it or by any subcontractor under Contractor. <br /> 18. Partial Invalidity. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of <br /> competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will <br /> nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. <br /> 19. Notices. Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be deemed to have been <br /> given by depositing said notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid,and addressed as follows: <br /> To City: Traffic Engineering <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> P.O. Box 520 <br /> Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br /> To Contractor: <br /> 20. Miscellaneous Provisions. <br /> a. City may terminate this Agreement at any time by mailing a notice <br /> to Contractor. Contractor shall be paid for that portion of goods provided/work completed <br /> when notice is received. <br /> b. Contractor shall not assign or transfer this Agreement. <br /> Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract Page 5 of 6 <br /> II <br />