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BACKGROUND/HISTORY <br /> The subject site has a General Plan land use designation of Public and Institutional and is <br /> zoned R-1-6,500 (One-Family Residential) District, meaning that the site's zoning is not <br /> consistent with its General Plan designation. For over a decade, the site has been a part of <br /> various City discussions regarding amending the General Plan land use designation, <br /> independent of and as a part of General Plan and Housing Element updates, to allow for some <br /> form of housing on the site. In 2004, the City Council considered processing an amendment to <br /> the General Plan, independent of the General Plan update, to change the land use designation <br /> of the site from Public and Institutional to Medium Density Residential and Parks and Recreation <br /> land uses. City records indicate that the item was discussed by the City Council; however, the <br /> discussion was continued indefinitely. <br /> During a joint Planning Commission-City Council Work Session in 2006, the City considered <br /> amending the General Plan land use designations of various vacant or underdeveloped in-fill <br /> properties City-wide. The subject site was evaluated and was considered as a potential high <br /> density residential site which, generally, would have retained the church on 6 of the 9 acres, <br /> thereby retaining the Public and Institutional land use designation, and designated the remaining <br /> 3 acres for high density residential uses. However, the site was eventually removed from the <br /> high density housing sites list. <br /> In 2011, the City held a series of community workshops for the General Plan Housing Element <br /> update to obtain feedback on designating specific sites throughout the City for high density <br /> housing. The subject property was again taken under consideration as a high density <br /> residential site. However, the Housing Element Task Force committee ultimately removed the <br /> subject site from the list as they believed a high density residential project would not be <br /> consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. <br /> Over the last few years, Ponderosa has worked with the church to plan a residential <br /> development project for the entire 9-acre site. On July 29, 2015, the applicant submitted <br /> requests for: 1) rezoning the site from R-1-6,500 District to PUD-MDR (Planned Unit <br /> Development— Medium Density Residential) District and for PUD Development Plan approval to <br /> demolish the existing religious building and construct 43 detached single-family age-restricted <br /> homes with related site improvements; and 2) Vesting Tentative Map approval to subdivide the <br /> approximately 9-acre parcel into 43 single-family residential parcels and 6 common lot parcels. <br /> After reviewing the application, staff provided the applicant with a letter discussing concerns <br /> relating to the proposed development. As proposed, staff did not believe the project was <br /> sufficiently integrated with the surrounding neighborhood, as it was proposed to be surrounded <br /> by a wall and would be accessible only after passing through a security gate. Staff also sought <br /> other changes in the proposed design, ranging from modifications to the architecture to changes <br /> in the orientation of residences along Valley Trails Drive and the configuration of open space. In <br /> addition to revising the proposal to address staff's comments, staff also encouraged the <br /> applicant to have a neighborhood meeting with the Valley Trails residents to discuss the project <br /> prior to presenting an application to the Planning Commission as a work session item. Staffs <br /> comment letter and initial project site plan are included as Exhibit C for the Commission's <br /> consideration. <br /> P15-0551, 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission <br /> 2of16 <br />