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Similar to the project, the first and second options would require a General Plan amendment to <br /> change the land use designation of the site in order to allow for residential uses. Depending on <br /> the amount of additional residential development proposed, the first option could generate <br /> increased activity beyond that associated with the proposed project, and potentially increased <br /> levels of traffic and noise. The second option would generate higher volumes of traffic and <br /> noise than the currently-proposed project and may not be acceptable to the surrounding <br /> neighborhood, which in the past has expressed a preference for lower-density residential uses. <br /> The third option wouldn't require a General Plan amendment; however, a private school could <br /> generate higher volumes of traffic and noise within the established neighborhood, including at <br /> peak times. Under option four, a new religious organization could occupy the existing church. <br /> Depending on the operational characteristics of the religious organization, higher activity levels <br /> on the site could be generated compared to lower-density residential uses. Option five, which <br /> was the subject of a neighborhood petition, was rejected because the currently-proposed <br /> entrance to the site would not pose any traffic hazards to the area. <br /> PROS AND CONS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT <br /> Pros Cons <br /> The General Plan and zoning designations would New development would be added to an <br /> be consistent (i.e., residential). established neighborhood. <br /> Parks and Recreation Master Plan The project would incrementally increase traffic, <br /> recommendations for Valley Trails Park would be noise, activity, and parking demand. <br /> implemented by the applicant. <br /> The project is well-designed and would develop Existing trees would be removed to <br /> the site with a residential neighborhood that accommodate the development. <br /> would not compromise the existing low-scale <br /> residential character of the Valley Trails <br /> Neighborhood, a compatible density. <br /> The project would generate less traffic(and The project would create a higher demand on <br /> associated air pollution and noise)than other City services, including water, sewer, and <br /> reasonable development scenarios that could be roadway infrastructure, and would increase <br /> developed on the site. demand for schools and other public services <br /> and amenities. <br /> Additional single-family residential units would While potentially valued by the <br /> increase the City's supply of market-rate housing, neighborhood, a restroom may be installed in <br /> and the project applicant would contribute to the a neighborhood park that may not have the <br /> City's affordable housing fund. physical operational characteristics to <br /> warrant a restroom. <br /> PUD CONSIDERATIONS <br /> The Zoning Ordinance of the Pleasanton Municipal Code sets forth the purposes of the Planned <br /> Unit Development District and "considerations" to be addressed in reviewing a PUD <br /> development plan. Staff has provided those considerations and staff's analysis below. <br /> 1. Whether the plan is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and general <br /> welfare: <br /> The proposed project, as conditioned, meets all applicable City standards concerning public <br /> health, safety, and welfare. The subject development would include the installation of all <br /> P16-1386, P17-0155, PUD-113, & TRACT 8259; 6900 Valley Trails Drive Planning Commission <br /> 27 of 32 <br />