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amounts requested and questioned whether that funding amount would be enough to sustain <br /> the program. Mr. Blair advised that it would definitely be enough to sustain the program and <br /> Abode would look at other ways of supporting the program, especially HOPE Outreach. <br /> Mr. Erickson provided information about the uncertainty in the amount of the City's allocation of <br /> federal HOME funds. He advised that Abode would not actually receive funds until they had <br /> submitted invoices to the City with appropriate backup documentation demonstrating <br /> expenditures. <br /> Commissioner Gaidos indicated that he agreed with the funding recommendation made by staff. <br /> Commissioner Galvin stated that he was ready to make a motion, but Commissioner Soby <br /> indicated he had questions. <br /> Commissioner Soby discussed with Mr. Blair Abode's use of funds for 2016/17 and expressed <br /> concern about homeless issues, especially people who may be at risk of losing their homes. <br /> Mr. Blair advised that Abode is helping people to avoid losing their homes by assisting with bills <br /> and providing other types of support. Commissioner Soby questioned what would happen to <br /> people who were not able to get back on their feet in the short term and discussed with Mr. Blair <br /> how support might be provided for a year or more. <br /> Chairperson Welsh closed the meeting for agency presentations. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Galvin, seconded by Commissioner Gaidos, <br /> recommending the following allocation of Federal, HOME Funds, and Lower Income Housing <br /> Funds related to the Human Services Grant(HHSG) Program for Fiscal Year 2017/18: <br /> 1. Abode Services/Tri-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program <br /> a) Tenant-Based Rental Assistance $70,000—HOME <br /> b) Case Management Services $50,000—LIHF <br /> 2. Abode Services/ HOPE Outreach $50,000—LIHF <br /> 3. ECHO Housing/ Housing Counseling Services $40,000—LIHF <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Gaidos, Galvin, Soby, and Chairperson Welsh. <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Commissioner Meyers <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> Commissioner Soby requested that that Commission be provided with interim reports from the <br /> agencies receiving housing-related grant funds, suggesting that the agencies return in about six <br /> months. Mr. Erickson agreed to schedule presentations for a future agenda. <br /> 7. Appointment of New Officers (Chairperson and Vice Chairperson)for 2017 <br /> Mr. Dolan advised that the Housing Commission Ordinance stipulates that officers consisting of <br /> a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are to be nominated and elected to serve a one-year term <br /> commencing January 1 of each year. Staff recommends the Commission appoint a new <br /> Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for calendar year 2017. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gaidos, seconded by Commissioner Galvin to nominate <br /> and elect Commissioner Welsh to serve as the Chairperson and Commissioner Soby to serve <br /> as the Vice Chairperson of the Housing Commission for the year 2017. <br /> Page - 4- <br />