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EXHIBIT A <br />FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ADDENDUM <br />1. In the performance of this Agreement, ADMINISTERING AGENCY will not discriminate against <br />any employee for employment because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry or <br />national origin, physical disability, medical condition, marital status, political affiliation, family and <br />medical care leave, pregnancy leave, or disability leave. ADMINISTERING AGENCY will take <br />affirmative action to ensure that employees are treated during employment without regard to their <br />race, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin, physical disability, medical <br />condition, marital status, political affiliation, family and medical care leave, pregnancy leave, or <br />disability leave. Such action shall indude, but not be limited to, the following: employment; <br />upgrading; demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates <br />of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, induding apprenticeship. <br />ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall post in conspicuous places, available to employees for <br />employment, notices to be provided by STATE setting forth the provisions of this Fair Employment <br />section. <br />2. ADMINISTERING AGENCY, its contractor(s) and all subcontractors shall comply with the <br />provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 1290-0 et seq.), <br />and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of Regulations, Title 2, <br />Section 7285.0 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing <br />Commission implementing Government Code, Section 12900(a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of <br />Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations are incorporated into this AGREEMENT <br />by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. Each of the ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY'S contractors and all subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under <br />this dause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other <br />agreements, as appropriate. <br />3. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of <br />this clause in all cantrads and subcontracts to perform work under this AGREEMENT. <br />4. ADMINISTERING AGENCY will permit access to the records of employment, employment <br />advertisements, application forms, and other pertinent data and records by STATE, the State Fair <br />Employment and Housing Commission, or any other agency of the State of California designated <br />by STATE, for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the Fair Employment <br />section of this <br />5. Remedies for ! Elfin Violation: <br />(a) STATE may determine a willful violation of the Fair Employment pin to have occurred <br />upon receipt of a final judgment to that effect from a court in an aeon to which ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY was a party, or upon receipt of a written notice from the Fair Employment and Housing <br />Commis on 1-:1 ' it has investigated and determined that ADMINISTERING AGENCY has viciatml <br />the Fair Employment Ractiozes Act and had iced an order under Labor Code Section 1426 <br />which has become final or has obtained an injunction under Labor Code - «a 01 11429. <br />