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Pleasanton Planning Commission <br /> Re Downtown Parking Strategy <br /> March 8, 2017 <br /> Page 2 <br /> When the increased supply of parking consists of public parking spaces, then those <br /> spaces are worth at least 50% more than parking spaces in private lots because they <br /> turn over throughout the day meeting the different peak demands of different <br /> businesses. More public parking allows greater building intensity and vitality. <br /> Micromanagement of scarce parking often has unintended consequences. The #2 <br /> recommendation is "Enhanced Time Restrictions (Strategy 1.4.1). The recommender of <br /> that strategy may be unaware we had a two hour restriction (rather the three hour <br /> restriction) on downtown parking until several years back. A frequent complaint of retail <br /> merchants was that customers browsing in their stores before or after a lunch or <br /> meeting would feel forced to stop browsing because their two hours of parking was <br /> about up. Three hours is the sweet spot that allows lunch customers and visitors to <br /> hang around downtown, but prevents all day employees from taking the close in parking <br /> spaces. <br /> Increased Surface Parking <br /> I agree with Strategy 7 (Identify Opportunity Sites for Surface Parking). Here the <br /> problem is with implementation. Several sites, including the Humane Society lot on <br /> Spring Street, have come up for sale in recent years, and not been purchased by the <br /> City to build public parking lots. The Chamber of Commerce in its recommendation to <br /> City Council on priorities for the year got closer to the activist strategy needed: "Commit <br /> funds to acquire key properties over time that will expand and improve access to public parking <br /> in the north, central and south segments of Main Street near Peters Avenue and implement in <br /> 2018 as per the Downtown Parking Study. " (underlining added) Those committed funds <br /> need to be accompanied by an executive City employee who is empowered to make <br /> timely offers for properties that come on the market which could provide functional <br /> surface parking lots. <br /> Parking Garage and In Lieu Parking Options <br /> Successful downtowns like Walnut Creek, Livermore, Campbell, and Davis almost <br /> always have parking garages because of the increased building intensity and vitality <br /> enabled when parking is concentrated rather than spread piecemeal lot by lot <br /> throughout a downtown. <br /> One of the most useful pieces of information in the Parking Study is the costing out of <br /> parking garage alternatives at p. 51. One option not costed out for the Bank of America <br /> lot alternatives is a three story above ground parking garage. That option can be readily <br /> created using the math provided in the study. A three story above ground parking <br /> garage on the Bank of America lot could be built (at $22,820 per space) to provide 289 <br /> parking spaces (211 net new spaces) at a cost of$6,594,980. The cost per net new 411 <br />