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And so I guess that would be my main question. It would be nice to at least explore the <br /> idea and vet it out and if the answer is a bad idea; if it breaks something, then I would <br /> certainly agree with the member of the public who spoke, Ms. Summers. I think it's an <br /> interesting idea anyway. And I would agree that as a plan we should be setting forth <br /> some goal of increasing supply. I would agree with that comment from Ms. Summers. <br /> Commissioner Ritter: It looks like two of the 10 strategies that staff has come up with <br /> recommend additional parking supply in the Downtown which is the most expensive part <br /> of the recommendation which is the parking garage so I like that we have at least eight <br /> others that we can actually concentrate on surface space parking. One thing that was <br /> brought up—I don't know, do we have any ordinance that prohibits delivery trucks of <br /> any sort on Main Street during certain hours or peak hours or any of that? Has that <br /> ever been an issue? <br /> Beaudin: No, we have loading zones and otherwise it's free parking available on a first <br /> come, first served basis. <br /> Commissioner Ritter: Okay, so that's not an issue, but when we do the design, I think <br /> it's important to incorporate the loading zone for drop-off and pickup for the over <br /> concepts. I think, you know, to have a 20 minute loading zone spot where you can pick <br /> up Uber or something if that's an option. And then, I am for paving the transportation <br /> corridor, but I would rather it be closer to Delucchi Park down at that end, just closer to <br /> the Downtown so it's easier to get more people Downtown. Like Commissioner Brown <br /> was saying, it's a long ways up there to walk if you want to go to Inklings or so. <br /> And then I do like the three-hour free parking. I think three hours is a good time. I <br /> thought about two but I think the concept of keeping the hours to three is that as an <br /> employee you can't park there and stay all day so I like that concept. And I love that <br /> we've got the short-term bicycle parking strategy built into the #9 option too. We can <br /> show that's easy to park your bike there versus driving a car and parking down there. It <br /> might be more people off the road. So those are my thoughts. In general, I appreciate <br /> staff's recommendations and I also think this updated plan is good. I just want to see it <br /> implemented faster. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: Am I right in my understanding that the top 10 strategies are <br /> listed in the order of City priority? <br /> Beaudin: Right. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: And I agree also that the transportation corridor—I think we'd <br /> get more bang for our buck there. The transportation corridor parking lots that I've <br /> driven through too is one thing I've noticed is there are a lot of people that walk to the <br /> two ends. There's not a lot of access directly into some of the other corridors that bring <br /> them down Main Street and I think that's something we should be looking at as we take <br /> out even more of these lots, is that we have more than the two ends of the lot as an <br /> access into the Downtown. That's my only comment on the transportation corridor. <br /> EXCPERT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 8, 2017 Page 6 of 10 <br />