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FI RSTCARBON Proposal <br /> 501._UTI0 \S <br /> General locations of sensitive biological resources identified during the survey will be mapped with the <br /> aid of topographic maps,Global Positioning System (GPS) units(Trimble R1),and current aerial <br /> photographs. Sensitive biological resources include any plants, animals,or habitats considered rare, <br /> endangered,threatened,sensitive, or otherwise unique by government agencies, such as CDFW and <br /> USFWS,or recognized conservation organizations,such as the CNPS. Suitable habitat for special-status <br /> plants, animals,or sensitive habitats on the project site will be determined and mapped and considered <br /> in the BRA for potential project related impacts or constraints. <br /> Based on the location of the project, aerial imagery, and the habitats expected to be present,the <br /> presence/absence of special-status wildlife species on the property cannot be fully determined until the <br /> habitat is evaluated. Therefore, FCS proposes to conduct a general reconnaissance-level survey to <br /> identify the presence/absence of any potential sensitive wildlife species or their habitat (e.g., burrows, <br /> nests, dens)within the project area. <br /> Numerous special-status species potentially occur within the area, but the need for focused surveys for <br /> special-status plant and/or wildlife species on the property cannot be determined until the site and its <br /> habitats are evaluated. Therefore,this scope of work does not include focused surveys for any special- <br /> status plant or wildlife species. However,following the biological resources assessment, protocol surveys <br /> for specific species may be recommended. <br /> The field survey will also include a reconnaissance-level assessment of the presence or absence of <br /> waters of the U.S. or State on the project site, which may be potentially subject to the jurisdiction of <br /> USACE,the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)and/or CDFW. This task includes a visual <br /> assessment of the existing conditions onsite, but does not include a formal jurisdictional delineation of <br /> wetlands and other waters of the US or the State. <br /> Biological Resource Assessment <br /> The results of the field survey will be documented in a BRA,which will include an assessment of sensitive <br /> biological resources found within the project site, a detailed discussion of the existing conditions onsite <br /> including a list of special status-species considered in the assessment and their potential for occurrence, <br /> recommended additional surveys and/or avoidance,and minimization and mitigation measures,as <br /> appropriate. <br /> Task 3.D: Cultural Resources Analysis <br /> The proposed project would result in ground disturbance at an undeveloped site. In accordance with <br /> State Historic Preservation Officer guidance, FCS will prepare a Cultural Resources Assessment to <br /> evaluate the potential occurrence of buried cultural resources. The tasks associated with this technical <br /> study are described as follows. <br /> NORTH AMERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA I AUSTRALIA I ASIA 9 <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />