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Annette Brecheisen <br />Subject <br />LIMIT HOUSING GROWTH OUR STREETS ARE IMP.ACTEILT .QivIIU ljl¢j�,j_ <br />I4tpp�t.L <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />From: Ellen Holmgren <br />Date ' <br />Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 3:12 PM <br />To: Karen Diaz <kdiaz >; Karen Gonzales < kgonzales>; Annette <br />Brecheisen < abrecheisen> <br />Subject: FW: LIMIT HOUSING GROWTH OUR STREETS ARE IMPACTED TOO MUCH NOW <br />Ellen Holmgren <br />Administrative Assistant <br />City Attorney's Office <br />x -5016 <br />From: Robin Boggs <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 4:48 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council < citvcouncil> <br />Cc: Carmen Jung <br />Subject: LIMIT HOUSING GROWTH OUR STREETS ARE IMPACTED TOO MUCH NOW <br />Dear City Council, <br />We are not sure what or why you feel the need to over develop the quaint city of Pleasanton? We moved to this <br />city for the open land and hope to retain some sense of limited growth, you are becoming another <br />Dublin!!! Housing on every piece of open land without attention to the impact of our roads and schools ... <br />limited growth is needed in this city. Politicians and Council you are out of control! One example but there are <br />many moer...just drive down Stanley at 4 to 6PM on a week day...and you are building more houses on Stanley <br />...are you kidding? Soon it is time to move from this, once quaint town that politicians and developers are <br />ruining all because of the mighty dollar! I feel so sad for our little city ... my forefathers would cringe to see <br />what is taking call it progress I call it misguided politics and government who do not respect what <br />Pleasanton was loved for ...a sense of country amidst city land and hills which all will soon be gone!!! <br />I can only hope the City Council and our Politicians will realize and stop the over growth of what is left and our <br />community will demand to retain what Pleasanton is so loved for and beautiful landscape. <br />The impact of the traffic that will results on Stanley and now the East Side proposed developements which may <br />take place in 2017/18 will be detrimental to our little city... it will burst at its seams. <br />How sad <br />Robin Boggs <br />Click here to report this email as spam. <br />1 <br />