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Annette Brecheisen <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />East side housing development in Pleasanton <br />From: Karen Bilbrey Zengel <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 4:46 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council < citycouncil @citvofpleasantonca.xov> <br />Subject: East side housing development in Pleasanton <br />March 8, 2017 <br />Dear Pleasanton City Council members, <br />SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />Date 3-9-674/ /7 <br />I was appalled at the development that occurred on Owens Drive opposite the BART station and how <br />that now completely backs up traffic flow on that street, causing multiple merges and lane changes <br />where there is no reason for it, except to skirt around a dozen added parking spaces! <br />I was terribly disappointed that the BernalNalley /Stanley housing complex (with retail inside of it) has <br />driven other local business in that area away. The shopping center across the street cannot even <br />maintain restaurants other than McDonald's so, I'm only hoping the new neighbors there will patronize <br />those businesses, but it's unlikely if they have their own built right into their own complex! <br />My biggest concern right now with more new development is that all these new complexes have been <br />built, our schools are at capacity, and there is no new money slated to come from any of these <br />developments for new schools that I know about. <br />PLEASANTON IS AT CAPACITY AND WE MUST DEMAND MORE FROM DEVELOPERS IF THEY <br />WISH TO CONTINUE TO BUILD HERE! New retail spaces need to offer what's not already <br />here. New residential buildings need to foot the cost of new & expanded schools to accommodate <br />their residents. All complexes, commercial or residential, need to contribute to expanded access to <br />public lands & parks, improved environmental protections, and improved traffic conditions. NOTHING <br />LESS IS ACCEPTABLE! <br />Pleasanton has always respected a slow growth policy until recently. What has grown recently has <br />been done in a sloppy manner. Please change your ways! Show thorough vetting and consideration <br />for all aspects of the community and you will garner my vote in the future. Some of you are not even <br />riding on my vote from the last election. Show me what you're made of and cross your is and dot <br />your i's. <br />Thank you for listening, <br />Kau. Uruy Z l <br />t <br />