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Annette Brecheisen <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />NO MORE HOUSING. EAST SIDE OR OTHER SIDES. STOP IT. <br />From: David Camp <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 10:38 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council < citycouncil @citvofpleasantonca.eov> <br />Subject: NO MORE HOUSING. EAST SIDE OR OTHER SIDES. STOP IT. <br />SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />Date . 3 -10 -17 <br />Pleasanton City Council Members. <br />Stop adding housing, traffic, congestion, crowds, construction trucks, water demands, ... <br />"Planning" sounds good, but in the case of our East Side, we have already seen what that means. Developer profits come <br />first, then we make the best of it by putting in a trail here and a stoplight there. <br />More housing on the East Side means more cars cutting through the east side of town on their way to the South Bay. I live <br />off eastern Bernal and see it every day. I don't want more. <br />There is no reason to add houses to the East Side until the State forces us to. <br />STOP THIS UNNEEDED EAST SIDE "PLANNING" PROJECT. <br />Sincerely, <br />David Camp <br />1 <br />