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Karen Gonzales <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />FW: City Council Priorities Work List for 2017 -2018 East Pleasanton <br />SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />3-'3-17 _ <br />From: Kelly Cousins [m] <br />Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2017 8:53 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council « itvcouncil @cityofpleasantonca.aov> <br />Subject: City Council Priorities Work List for 2017 -2018 East Pleasanton <br />Dear Mayor Thorne and Council Members Brown, Pentin, Narum and Olsen, <br />Date <br />I urge you Not to put the planning for the massive residential development of the East Side on the City <br />Priorities Work List at the March 14th meeting. The list already has enough important projects identified for <br />the next two years that need our taxpayers dollars and City resources and staff time. <br />Although the Steelwave Developer has been lobbying you and others in the community for several <br />months with misleading marketing in costly brochures and ads for their "resurrected" plan for 889 non- <br />mandated housing plus commercial and industrial development, the community is not fooled by the promise of <br />a "new" plan. What the developer leaves out of their advertising is that the push to plan the East Side comes at <br />a high cost to our community. Their current plan looks very similar to the old East Pleasanton Specific Plan <br />however with 50 acres less space that can be developed at a future date to increase the numbers of housing units <br />to over 1300. Among the amenities featured in the developer's brochures are boating in Cope Lake, a small <br />quarry water retaining -pond that won't be available until after the Gravel Company contract expires in <br />2060. Who would trust these claims? Most likely not the over 1000 people who previously attended the <br />community meetings about the East Side Specific Plan and were vehemently opposed to planning the East <br />Side in 2015. Nothing has changed with the new plan. <br />Most of the community still remembers the previous EPSP proposal for 1300 homes and its flawed draft <br />EIR. They are even more aware of and exasperated by the inexplicable push for non - mandated housing <br />approvals before the dust settles from the effects of the 2000 housing units already approved or being built <br />around town. Pleasanton residents know that if the City Council makes a motion to begin "planning ", even <br />under the guise of a feasibility study of El Charro Rd going through from Stanley to 580, this recommendation <br />would mean you are not listening to a frustrated majority of Pleasanton voters. Encouraging school crowding, <br />more traffic nightmares, limited water resources and further decline in Pleasanton's quality of life are not why <br />we elected you to be our representatives on the Council. <br />What's the rush to plan the last largest partial of undeveloped land in Pleasanton? Is this push to "Plan" the <br />East Side in the best interest of the residents of Pleasanton, your constituents, or the best interest of the For - <br />Profit Developers ?! We will be waiting to see what you decide is most important for our town on March 14th. <br />Sincerely, <br />Kelly Cousins <br />1 <br />