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Happy Valley Water & Sewer Study <br />Technical Memorandum <br />4 Sewer System Evaluation <br />This section describes the evaluation process and results for extending sewer mains and associated facilities <br />to parcels within the Study Area but outside current City limits. The capacity of the existing sewer col Iection <br />system to the sewer trunk on Sunol Boulevard has also been evaluated to determine any necessary <br />improvements, including two existing pump stations: 5 -12 and 5 -14. There is currently sufficient capacity <br />available in all trunk sewers downstream of the Sunol Boulevard connection, including sewer flows from <br />the Happy Valley study area. <br />4.1 Evaluation Criteria <br />Evaluation criteria used in the development of facilities and cost estimates for the sewer system are <br />described in this section. <br />4.1.1 Sizing and Siting Criteria <br />Pipe sizing and flow criteria are summarized in Table 4, and are based on the City's 1984 Sewer System <br />Design Standards and recommendations included in the 2007 Wastewater Master Plan. Pipeline alignments <br />are based on siting information from the Happy Valley Specific Plan and discussions with City staff. The <br />firm capacities of pump stations 5 -12 and 5 -14 were also compared to the potential peak wet weather flow <br />(PWWF) rates. Existing sewer facilities in the Study Area are shown in Figure 5. <br />4.1.2 Cost Criteria <br />Similar to the water system evaluation, planning -level construction cost estimates for each sewer collection <br />system component have been developed to the same level of accuracy as the water system (AACE Class <br />4). Costs are indexed to the February 2016 Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index 20 Cities <br />Average (10,182). <br />Costs for new sewer construction were estimated based on RMC's experience with similar projects and <br />recent bids. Cost criteria include baseline fully burdened unit construction costs for gravity sewers. Costs <br />associated with pipeline construction, including excavation, street reconstruction, and manholes are <br />included in the unit cost for sewer pipeline construction. Allowances have been added to the baseline <br />construction cost for project - specific costs (such as mobilization and demobilization, remove and replace <br />construction, and traffic control for work in roadways). Open -cut construction methods are assumed for all <br />pipeline improvements. <br />Costs for gravity sewers vary with pipe diameter and depth. Depth has been estimated based on the City's <br />minimum depth of cover (five feet), appropriate pipe slopes, and topographic data provided by the City. <br />Implementation allowances are the same factors that were applied for the water system cost estimates <br />evaluation, and are summarized in Table 2. <br />November 2016 11 <br />