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studies may include design studies, appraisal, financial feasibility analyses and legal review Any <br /> studies or reports obtained by Sunflower Hill from third parties through the use of the <br /> predevelopment funds provided in Section 1, above, shall become the property of the City if the <br /> Project is not built <br /> c Financing Sunflower Hill will be required to demonstrate the financial feasibility <br /> of Project construction and operation, and shall provide the City with a detailed financial pro <br /> forma containing matters typically included in pro form as (such as financing sources, uses, <br /> project income and expenses) and a descnption of proposed arrangements for the provision of <br /> tenant services Sunflower Hill will prepare and present a preliminary financial pro forma and <br /> budget for construction and operation of the Project(for both the housing and on-site amenities), <br /> subject to the approval of the Assistant City Manager no later than September 30, 2019 <br /> As part of the negotiation of a DDA, including future City contribution of a portion of Project's <br /> costs through a predevelopment loan agreement, ground lease and other permanent financing <br /> from the City, Sunflower Hill shall submit a financing proposal for Project construction and <br /> permanent financing Sunflower Hill shall provide this proposal to the City no later than March <br /> 31, 2020 Any purchase and sale agreement, ground lease, loan documents or other documents <br /> between the City and Sunflower Hill, which may be assignable with the City's consent, will <br /> address the terms and conditions for any construction and/or permanent financing that the City <br /> will provide to the Project <br /> d City Future Financial Contribution Such preliminary budget/pro forma may <br /> include the $1,000,000 to be paid by Developer to the City as provided in Irby Ranch's <br /> Affordable Housing Agreement, which $1,000,000 shall be applied to further predevelopment <br /> and Project construction costs The proposed budget may also include other proposed City <br /> funding for partial funding of the Project, which shall not exceed $2,250,000 inclusive of the <br /> aforementioned $1,000,000 being provided by Developer Sunflower Hill acknowledges that <br /> any and all City funding is subject to approval by the City Council <br /> e 2021 deadline No activities described in this section shall be extended later than <br /> September 30, 2021, unless as described in Section 5 <br /> f Extensions The deadlines provided in this Section 2, with the exception of <br /> Subsection e, may be extended in the reasonable discretion of the City Manager and reported to <br /> the City Council <br /> g Merger Upon execution of a DDA between the parties, the terms of the DDA <br /> shall control the entire subject matter contained within this Agreement <br /> 3 Good Faith Efforts to Negotiate As Sunflower Hill meets the milestones described <br /> in Section 2, above, the City and Sunflower Hill shall use their best efforts to successfully <br /> negotiate a purchase and sale agreement,ground lease,loan documents or other related documents <br /> which shall describe the terms and conditions that will govern the transfer of the Inclusionary <br /> Parcel to Sunflower Hill for its Project In no event shall this Agreement impose any binding <br /> obligation on the City to convey the Inclusionary Parcel to Sunflower Hill, nor does it obligate <br /> 3 <br /> L , <br />