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RESOLUTION NO. 17- <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> APPROVING THE EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING RIGHTS AGREEMENT WITH <br /> SUNFLOWER HILL <br /> WHEREAS, the Irby Ranch project proposes eighty-seven new single family <br /> homes on a 15 acre site that would include a 1 64 acre parcel for potential affordable <br /> multi-family housing for special needs adults, and <br /> WHEREAS, the affordable multi-family housing for special needs adults at that <br /> 1 64 acre site is proposed to be developed by Sunflower Hill, a California public benefit <br /> corporation, located in and serving the Tn-Valley, and <br /> WHEREAS, Sunflower Hill and the City acknowledge that Sunflower Hill will need <br /> an experienced development partner, funding for pre-development costs, and time to <br /> develop a proposed project and financing plan This process and pre-development <br /> funding is set forth in an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement between the City and <br /> Sunflower Hill in which the City will provide financial support and time for Sunflower Hill <br /> to prepare and present through the normal public hearing process a planned unit <br /> development (PUD) plan for multi-family affordable housing for special needs adults on <br /> the 1 64 acre parcel, and <br /> WHEREAS, on February 7, 2017, the City Council considered the Exclusive <br /> Negotiating Rights Agreement with Sunflower Hill, and the City Council considered all <br /> public testimony, agenda reports, and related materials <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER <br /> THE FOLLOWING: <br /> SECTION 1 Finds that the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement between <br /> the City of Pleasanton and Sunflower Hill is consistent with the City's General Plan and <br /> the objectives of the City's affordable housing policies for special needs housing (Goal 17, <br /> Programs 48 1 and 48 8) <br /> SECTION 2 Finds that the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement is for <br /> feasibility and planning studies for Sunflower Hill and its potential project on the 1 64 acre <br /> parcel, and the agreement is exempt from review under Title 14 California Code of <br /> Regulations §15262 <br /> SECTION 3 Approves the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement between <br /> the City of Pleasanton and Sunflower Hill, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, and <br /> authorizes the City Manager to sign the agreement Appropriates $250,000 from Lower- <br /> Income Housing Fund for Sunflower Hill as provided in the agreement <br /> SECTION 4 This resolution shall become effective immediately upon the <br />