18.08.375 Nursery school
<br /> "Nursery school"means a school for five or more preelementary school-age children,or use of a site or portion of a site
<br /> for a group daycare program (including, but not limited to, a day nursery, play group,OF after school group, or child-
<br /> care center)for five or more children when not located in the provider's own home, and a school and/or group daycare
<br /> program for 13 or more children when located in the provider's own home (Ord 1126 § 2, 1984, prior code § 2-
<br /> 5 26(a))
<br /> 18.08.382 Office, business,professional,or administrative.
<br /> "Business, professional, or administrative office" means a space used for conducting the affairs of a business, profes-
<br /> sion, service industry, or government, where the activities are primarily mental or intellectual Examples of such uses
<br /> would include, but not be limited to,the offices of lawyers,accountants, brokers, insurance agents,counselors,realtors,
<br /> and contractors
<br /> 18 08 383 Office, medical.
<br /> "Medical office" means an office or clinic used exclusively by physicians, dentists, chiropractors, acupuncturists,phys-
<br /> ical therapists, and other health-related offices No overnight patients occupy the premises
<br /> 18.08 407 Personal service.
<br /> "Personal services" means a use that provides individual services generally related to personal, non-medical needs,
<br /> including but not limited to, barbers, beauty salons, day spas, holistic healing centers, nail salons, hair removal and/or
<br /> replacement, massage establishments, acupressure services, tailors, and other services of a similar nature Accessory
<br /> retail sales of related products may also be sold
<br /> 18.08.440 Private school.
<br /> "Private school" means a private institution where children attend and receive their primary instruction for any combi-
<br /> nation of schooling between press hool-and grades kindergarten and 12 This does not include stand-alone nursery
<br /> schools
<br /> 18.08.472 Restaurant.
<br /> "Restaurant" means any room, building, place or portion thereof intended to provide seated and/or take-out service of
<br /> food selections,prepared on the premises,typically appropriate for a complete breakfast, lunch or dinner meal,but also
<br /> includes bakeries, specialty coffee establishments, cafes, tea rooms, ice cream shops, delicatessens, providing inci-
<br /> dental seating/table accommodations for the convenience of the retail customer and similar retail establishments as de-
<br /> termined by the Director of Community Development
<br /> 18.08.473 Retail
<br /> "Retail" means the selling of goods, wares, or merchandise directly to the ultimate consumer or persons without a re-
<br /> sale license
<br /> 18.08.606 Winery.
<br /> "Winery"means a business taking up no more than 10,000 square feet in area that makes wine primarily for retail sales
<br /> Ancillary wholesale sales are also permitted No on site consumption of wine is permitted except as part of quality test-
<br /> ing and/or tours A business where customers make wine on site for their personal use shall be classified as a winery for
<br /> purposes of this zoning code
<br /> 13
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