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2015-16 OPERATING BUDGET ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> ESTIMATED CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE <br /> BEGINNING EST ENDING ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL <br /> FUND BALANCE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET FUND BALANCE UNAUDITED UNAUDITED UNAUDITED UNAUDITED <br /> June 30,2015 REVENUES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES June 30 2016 REVENUES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE <br /> GENERAL FUND $ 20 576,010 $ 109 805,361 $ (12 094 354) $ (102 077 855) $ 16 209,162 $ 111 736 593 $(11 965,373) $ (99 771 220) $ 20 576,011 <br /> ENTERPRISE FUNDS <br /> Senior Transportation 32,590 442,605 439 160 (830,587) 83,768 423,574 354 359 (626,530) 183,993 <br /> Recycled Water 1,644,959 720,000 (1 152,218) 1,212,741 384,107 1,498,930 (3,101,820) 426 176 <br /> Storm Drain 1,279,234 689,440 312,200 (1,446,898) 833,975 797,240 312,200 (1 121,346) 1 267 328 <br /> Electric Veh Charging Station 6 349 3,000 - (2 500) 6,849 4 114 - (2 500) 7,964 <br /> Cemetery Operations 488,777 27,254 30,000 (192,653) 353,378 76,396 30 000 (20 756) 574 417 <br /> Golf Course Operations 115,453 4,048,080 (514 475) (3 533,605) 115,453 3,830,223 (489 046) (3 341 241) 115 390 <br /> Water Operations and Maintenance 7 976,521 18 007 850 (1,555 616) (16,278,747) 8,150,008 17,320,032 (2,987,455) (13,761 761) 8,547,338 <br /> Sewer Operations and Maintenance 4 687,872 13 593 000 (1 135 400) (12 559 433) 4,586 038 13 915,734 (1,128 295) (12 175,800) 5 299 511 <br /> Enterprise Funds 16,231,756 37,531,229 (2,424 131) (35,996 642) 15,342 212 36,751,420 (2,409,307) (34,151,753) 16,422 117 <br /> INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS <br /> Employee Benefit Fund (3,728,321) 18,255,180 - (17 351,592) (2,824,733) 18 326,908 (17 425,317) (2 826 729) (1) <br /> LPFD Replacement Fund 252,486 84,000 - (94 000) 242 486 41 917 - (23 677) 270 726 <br /> Public Art Acquisition Fund 239,610 2,000 - (25,000) 216 610 1,923 - (13,464) 228 069 <br /> Public Art Maintenance Fund 30,564 15,400 - (45,964) 0 15,036 - (53,620) (8,020) <br /> Vehicle Replacement Fund 2 568,967 745,624 (388,318) 2,926 273 989 010 (545,147) 3,012,830 <br /> Equipment Replacement Fund 2 498,765 450,850 - (1 327,402) 1 622 213 448,331 - (1 335 643) 1 611,452 <br /> Facilities Renovation Fund 2,892,552 2,246,408 - (1 517,036) 3,621 924 2 245 656 - (1,054,607) 4 083,601 <br /> IT Replacement Fund 2,681,890 564,088 - (2,450,417) 795 561 560,918 - (1,075,705) 2,167,103 <br /> Pleas Fire Apparatus Replacement Fund 2 835 934 334 629 - (1 275 523) 1 895 040 330 229 - (1,275 522) 1 890 641 <br /> Police Vehicle Replacement Fund 494 332 681,556 (145,000) 1,030,888 700 655 - (130,555) 1 064 432 <br /> Park&Median Renovation Fund 5,190,678 1,283,500 - (856,400) 5,617 778 1,293,273 - (530,566) 5 953,384 <br /> Street Light Replacement Fund 1 771 791 58,324 (225 000) 1,605 115 60 946 (19 763) 1 812,974 <br /> Traffic Signal Replacement Fund 690,244 347,554 (350,000) 687 798 348,229 - (350,148) 688,325 <br /> Golf Replacement Fund 1,099 202,000 (48,500) 154,599 202,000 (33,133) 169 966 <br /> PERS Rate Stabilization Fund - 4,090 700 (2,590,700) 1,500,000 - 4,090,700 (2 590 700) 1,500,000 <br /> LPFD Retirees Medical Reserve Fund 1,571 492 1,160,000 - (2 130 000) 601 492 582 386 - (1,065,000) 1 088 879 <br /> Workers Compensation Fund 1013,165 1025,000 (1 228 000) 810,165 1,014 321 - (1539 210) 488,275 <br /> Self-Insurance Retention Fund 5,245,429 1,140,000 (1,200,000) 5,185,429 1,143,598 - (1,081,359) 5 307,667 <br /> LPFD Workers Comp Fund (1,909,752) 1,510,000 (1 876,000) (2 275 752) 648 497 - (874,788) (2 136,043) (2) <br /> Retirees Medical Reserve Fund 18 102,551 5 845,000 340 067 (5 354 067) 18 933,551 5 801 174 340 067 (4 954 000) 19 289 792 <br /> Internal Service Funds 42,443,476 35,749 113 4,632 767 (40 478,919) 42 346,437 34,553,008 4 632,767 (35 971,925) 45 657,326 <br /> SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br /> DARE Fund 24,744 1,900 - (10,000) 16,644 1 888 - (9,424) 17,208 <br /> Asset Forfeiture Fund 42,141 43,000 - (41,600) 43,541 76,823 - (31,022) 87,942 <br /> Downtown Parking Fund 100,192 14,500 372 271 - 486 963 15,486 372 271 - 487 949 <br /> Recycling&Waste Mgmt Fund 771,366 202,000 (290 000) 683,366 218,863 - (196,112) 794,117 <br /> Parks&Comm Sery Donations Fund 59 017 120,300 - (127 100) 52,217 254 491 (63,085) 250,422 <br /> Miscellaneous Donations Fund 31,612 4,050 - (2 000) 33,662 4 472 (250) (5,567) 30,267 <br /> Youth Master Plan Fund 26 500 200 - 26 700 181 250 26 931 <br /> H A P P Y PUBLIC ART DONATIONS 19 172 40 200 (40,000) 19 372 79 - (17 870) 1 381 <br /> MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING GRANTS - 24,050 (24 050) - 54,435 (54 435) - <br /> COMMUNITY ACCESS TELEVISION 676,615 243,000 (89 035) 830,580 262 332 - (39 193) 899 754 <br /> Bernal Comm Park Donation Fund - 35,000 - 6 500 41,500 190 692 - (6,345) 184,347 <br /> Downtown Economic Devel Loan Fund 26,924 200 - - [27,124 235 - - 27,159 <br /> Lower Income Housing Fund 17 163,735 1,105,000 - (14,198 156) 4 070,578 2,329,689 - (5 498 759) 13 994 665 <br /> Used Oil Grant Fund 226 - 226 12,629 - (12,629) 226 <br /> Law Enforcement Fund 219,480 1,000 - (128 992) 91,488 136,270 - (177,213) 178 537 <br /> Lemoine Geologic Hazard District 67,456 8,205 (7 005) 68 656 7 709 - (2,255) 72 909 <br /> Laurel Creek Geologic Hazard District 708,540 51,639 (39 170) 721 009 52 414 (6 920) 754 033 <br /> Ponderosa Landscape District 90 229 16 021 (16 021) 90,229 16 023 - (15 177) 91 075 <br /> Windsor Landscape District 1 666 23 910 - (23 270) 2 306 24 113 - (20,526) 5,253 <br /> Moller Geologic Hazard District 108 985 11 813 (10 330) 110 468 12 158 (4 030) 117,113 <br /> Oak Tree Farm Geologic Hazard District 72,568 12,807 (11 238) 74 137 13,008 (3 938) 81 638 <br /> Bonde Landscape District 8 233 26 100 - (25,500) 8 833 26 196 - (36,927) (2 498) <br /> Moller Ranch Landscape District 272 529 58,213 - (80,679) 250,063 59,923 - (73 797) 258 655 <br /> Oak Tree Farm Landscape District 46 591 19 862 (18 850) 47 603 20,051 - (9 121) 57 521 <br /> Community Develop Block Grant Fund - 1 318 922 (1 347 751) (28 829) 1 214,441 (1 214,441) <br /> HOME Program Fund - 529,500 - (532 829) (3 329) 232 151 - (232,151) - <br /> HBPOA Maintenance District Fund - 100,000 - (100,000) - 94,352 - (94,352) <br /> Abandoned Vehicle Fund 250,308 32,000 (30 000) 252,308 34,259 (31,908) 252 660 <br /> Urban Forestry Fund 49,267 7,000 (7 500) (24,000) 24,767 14 882 (7,500) (32,648) 24 001 <br /> Library Donations Fund 55,599 3,300 (3 000) 55 899 3,395 - 58 995 <br /> Special Revenue Funds 20,893,693 4,053,692 364,771 (17,214,077) 8,098,079 5,383,638 364,771 (7,889,842) 18 752,261 <br /> OTHER FUNDS <br /> 2003&2004 Certificates of Participation - - - - - - <br /> PTCWD#3 Trust Fund 449,153 5,625 (40,780) 413,998 5 865 (17 037) 437,981 <br /> Other Funds 449 153 5 625 (40,780) 413,998 5 865 (17,037) 437,981 <br /> TOTAL-ALL FUNDS $ 100 594 088 $ 187 145,020 $ (9,520,947) $ (195,808,273) $ 82;409,887 $ 188,430 524 $ (9,377,142) $ (177 801 776) $ 101 845 695 <br /> (1) Reduction in the Fund Balance is equal to the amount of the outstanding Police Side Fund loan paid off in July 2011($2183 million) <br /> (2) The negative fund balance reflects the recording of the estimated future liability regarding outstanding workers compensation claims <br />