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Page 1 of 2 <br />Jenny Soo <br />From: <br />Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 12:17 PM <br />To: Jenny Soo <br />Subject: Re: Rezoning the Masonic Temple <br />Thank you for your clarification. It is said re- zoning for multi - family residential it threw us for a loop. <br />Original Message <br />From: Jenny Soo <br />To: <br />Sent: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 11:47 am <br />Subject: RE: Rezoning the Masonic Temple <br />The application in question is not to change the existing zoning, but rather to review and reconsider the use <br />permit granted to the Masons in 1977. <br />It has been brought staff's attention that in recent months, activities /functions held at the Masons facility may <br />have gone beyond the scope of the conditional use permit granted to them by the City in 1977. Staff believes <br />that it is necessary to bring the application before the Planning Commission for further review and discussion so <br />that it would be clear as to what functions could /could not be held at this facility. <br />Hope this answered your concerns. <br />Thanks, <br />Jenny Soo <br />From: <br />Sent: Sat 2/28/2009 8:07 AM <br />To: Jenny Soo <br />Subject: Rezoning the Masonic Temple <br />Dear Planning Commisioner, <br />I want to address rezoning the Masonic Temple for Multi - family residential for which myself and many <br />neighbors are opposed with valid concerns. <br />I live by the Evangical Church in a single family home and have been a hard advocate against <br />overbuilding due to traffic, congestion of people, limitations of expansion of our park, and most <br />prominent reduction of our property values. <br />The Masonic Temple has all those element included except with zoning as multi - family residential we <br />are talking about apartments, town homes or other dwellings that much more increased traffic and cars <br />to our area. It increases crime by having non home owners in our area. It will also bring down the value <br />of our homes considerably. I personally don't want to live beside a multi -unit complex for all those <br />reasons. <br />I oppose rezoning if this is the intent of the Masonic Temple. I would much rather have a community <br />complex remain that enriches the lives of people around it. &n bsp;I would personally like to see it <br />available for weddings, community functions and leadership meetings for various groups. <br />3/18/2009 <br />