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violates the planning commissions' intent that activities be focused on the south side of the <br />building and away from the north side and the residences on that side. <br />3. Previously, the Lodge building itself and the Lodge's prior activities that were consistent with <br />its use permit acted as an effective buffer between it and the residences around the Temple. <br />Currently, however, after making changes to the north side of the building and expanding its <br />activities into the landscaped portion of its property adjacent to our home, the Lodge has failed <br />to maintain an effective buffer between itself and its neighbors as the City instructed in the use <br />permit. While the definition of an effective buffer was not specified in the public hearing notes <br />or the penult, the Lodge is located on the north side of the site, very close to the residences to <br />the north, so distance is obviously not an effective buffer, at least to noise. Furthermore, the <br />fence between the Lodge and the residences was constructed by the home owners, not the <br />Lodge, so it is unclear how the Lodge has addressed the "effective buffer" provision of the <br />permit after making its recent changes. Adding shrubs, grass, and bark chips to Lodge grounds <br />would not appear to satisfy that provision. The only workable buffer would be walls that <br />contain the sound inside the building. <br />Finally, the Use Permit states, "That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions <br />under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety <br />or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity." We have <br />already been injured by this nuisance. <br />What is required to remedy the nuisance being creating by the Lodge is for the wishes of the <br />Planning Commission and the provision of the conditional use permit to be enforced, specifically: <br />1. Noise is to be contained within the building. <br />2. There will be no openings on the north or west sides of the building. <br />3. Activities will be focused on the south side of the building, i.e. no activities on the north <br />side of the building. <br />The Masonic Lodge applied for and was granted a construction permit for changes to the building <br />and grounds that clearly resulted in the Lodge changing its previous uses of the property and <br />engaging in repeated and significant violations of their use permit. We believe the Lodge was at <br />fault for not checking their permit to make sure the changes were in compliance. These changes <br />made about three years ago turned them from a good neighbor into an abusive one, and we want <br />the situation remedied. We would not be allowed to throw parties with lots of people and loud <br />music in our backyard. Neither should they. If as members of a residential community we asked <br />for a permit to allow such activities in our home and backyard, the City would not allow it. We are <br />quite sure that if you lived next to a residentially zoned facility doing what the Lodge is doing, you <br />would be making the same complaints that we are. We have been talking with representatives of <br />the planning commission for almost a year, and the Masons are still throwing loud parties with <br />people on the north and west sides of the building. It is time to take action to stop this abuse, and <br />we respectively request that you do so. <br />Sincerely, <br />Michael D. Miller <br />