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became inactive in 2011. (Note: we sent proof of this to the City in an email with links to <br />IRS and state websites to verify this.) <br />The PMC and its catering company and party business should not be allowed to use the <br />backyard, or for that matter any part of the site, for the following two reasons: <br />1. The PMC is no longer tax - exempt or non - profit but rather is now a private- for - profit <br />company. <br />2. The rental revenues for the catering company and party business are both reported <br />on the PMC's tax return. <br />That is, the PMC is a private company, which is conducting business in a residential area, <br />and violating both the General Plan and zoning code 18.36.040. <br />Please respond with your feedback. <br />7) The use has changed from a fraternity to a catering company and party business: <br />The Masons are allowed to operate at the lodge because their use is that of a fraternity (Note: Both <br />(1) the Masons CUP, and (2) Zoning Code 18.36.040 Provision 1— Private non - commercial clubs and <br />lodges, allow the Masons in a residential area to operate as a fraternity.) <br />However, the use of the lodge has changed so that it is no longer a fraternity. instead, the use is a <br />catering company and party business. The PMC's and fraternity's tax returns demonstrate this. <br />As can be seen from the below chart, the revenues from renting the building to the catering company and to <br />the public for parties is 2 to 4 times the revenues from the member dues. This clearly indicates that <br />commercial activity is the main use of the building, generating most of the revenue, and that non - profit <br />fraternity activity is a minor use. <br />Nonprofits are only allowed 5% to 20% of unrelated business expense, not 200% to 400%. <br />Therefore, the use of the fraternity has changed to a catering company and party business. Since the <br />fraternity no longer operates as a fraternity as its main use, it is violating codes and should not be <br />allowed to operate on the premises. <br />Please respond with your feedback. <br />2012 <br />2011 <br />2010 <br />2009 <br />2038 <br />2007 <br />2006 <br />7035 <br />Average <br />525,631 <br />Revenues <br />from member dues <br />Dote: returns of Pleasanton Lodge 3321 <br />527,402 <br />521,515 <br />575,221 <br />537,041 <br />530,557 <br />59,021 <br />NA <br />NA <br />Revenues <br />Irons. (1) utensrr campeny,8 <br />(21 build ng rental (or nublq Dams+ <br />[atlas rerorns of Pleesanton Masnnlc tenter <br />Revoked <br />Revoked <br />Revoked <br />575,096 <br />No Flrn6 <br />NA <br />589.593 <br />591,113 <br />585,267 <br />Nonprofits are only allowed 5% to 20% of unrelated business expense, not 200% to 400%. <br />Therefore, the use of the fraternity has changed to a catering company and party business. Since the <br />fraternity no longer operates as a fraternity as its main use, it is violating codes and should not be <br />allowed to operate on the premises. <br />Please respond with your feedback. <br />