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THE CITY OF <br />pLEASANTON <br />exempts higher levels of these noises during certain hours (between 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. -Sat. <br />and between 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Sun. and holidays) if that same noise does not exceed 70 dba <br />when measured at a distance (74'25 feet from the source. The code specifically prohibits noise <br />created by "machine, animal, device, or any combination of the same" hut does not set any <br />Iimit on non - amplified human voice noise. As such, voices measured in excess of 70 dba, do <br />not violate the noise ordinance. This determination is consistent with letter sent to you on <br />November 26. 2013 (see attached). <br />Regarding the alleged Conditional Use Permit violations. the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) <br />issued to the Lodge in 1977 (UP- 77 -13) does not contain any conditions which prohibits the <br />use of the outdoor areas of the lodge property. The only language in the existent Conditional <br />Use Permit that slightly addresses outdoor activities reads as Ibllows: <br />Condition #1 -- "...that the buildings be designed so that activities will be lbcused toward the <br />southern portion of the subject property..." <br />Condition #20 - "That the applicant provide an effective buffer between the development and the <br />single family residential are surrounding the property." <br />Neither of the above conditions prohibits the use of outdoor areas of the Masonic Lodge. In <br />2013. the Lodge proposed voluntary measures designed to limit the impacts of lodge events 011 <br />neighbors. However, it does not appear that the events mentioned in your complaints are in <br />violation of the voluntary measures the lodge created in 2013, with the possible exception of #5 - <br />"to have a minimum of two staff on-site to monitor functions and enforce compliance with <br />applicable noise standards." and #8 -• "to take decibel readings hourly, at the property line. <br />during all organized functions held within the lodge's facilities." It has yet to he determined if <br />these two voluntary measures were followed on the dates in question. This determination is <br />consistent with the letter sent to you on November 26, 2013 (see attached). <br />Regarding the alleged off-street parking violation, the parking criteria listed in Pleasanton <br />Municipal Code Section 18.88.030, applies to new construction. The Masonic Lodge would have <br />had to have met the parking criteria established at the time of construction in approximately 1 977 <br />or 1978. The City of Pleasanton would not retroactively apply new parking standards to an <br />established use. <br />Since no violations of City codes were established, no enforcement action will he taken at this <br />time. I lowever, staff is sensitive to your ongoing concern about activities at the Masonic Lodge <br />and has presented two options to the Masons: <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P. O. BOX 520, Pleasanion, CA 9456(- 01101 <br />Planning Building & Safely Engineering Traffic Inspection <br />•1L1( )11 11(ttt.41 \11. ,'( .1411 1111 lit•tn.11 VI. ,111)( )III Clvll.11 -k1• .'{111 ( )111 nom .11 \Iv I 1 \I.ur `,Ii(v I <br />'I " 911 .10)11 'I' " 'III 'MI) 'l''1 4/11 111 X11 'I.' 1,'I I1 14, 1(1 'i' 1 '1 12 111:d1 <br />1 1, 'III • IL: I.I\: 'III 1.1 7I I,1\. 'l; 1 "1 -1 -'I 1 .n. 1I I 1 , 1 -'1 I. 'I :l 1 LI 1 <br />