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Attachment #4--Young Ivy Academy <br />Overview <br />During the Planning Commission hearing, on November 12, 2014, Young Ivy Academy proposed to build <br />a new outdoor playground area to replace eight existing parking spaces at the rear of the shopping <br />center to be used between 2 PM and 6 PM on Monday through Friday for students in kindergarten <br />through sixth grade. No more than 16 students would occupy the playground area at any given time. <br />Staff's recommendation to the Planning Commissioners regarding Young Ivy Academy is exactly the <br />position that the Millers expected staff to take regarding the Masons. The Millers are confused as to <br />why staff can clearly see the issues with the ambient noise impact to neighbors with respect to Young <br />Ivy Academy, but not with respect to the Masons. <br />The Millers are requesting the same considerations that staff provided to the neighbors of the Young Ivy <br />Academy to also be provided to us. <br />Background <br />In 2014, staff made the recommendation to not allow Young Ivy to build the outdoor playground by <br />stating in their report, <br />"[the outdoor playground] would be a new ancillary used to the primary use, and is proposed <br />outside of the building close to existing residential uses, with only the existing shopping center <br />soundwall along the eastern property line to provide any type of sound attenuation for those <br />residences to the east. No sound attenuation would be provided for the residences to south on <br />the opposite side of Junipero Street. The introduction of the outdoor playground area, with up <br />to 16 children at any given time. and no significant sound attenuation, could result in <br />increased ambient noise levels during the hours of 2 PM to 6 PM. Consequently the staff is <br />recommending denial of this portion of the proposal." <br />"With the elimination of the proposed outdoor playground area, noise levels related to the <br />Heritage school would be minimal and staff believes that it is unlikely that the noise generated <br />during facility use would impact the nearby residences or surrounding shopping center tenants. <br />Recommended conditions of approval required that the exterior doors remained closed when <br />not being used for ingress /egress purposes and that the applicant inform all students /parents <br />not to loiter or make loud noises outside the building before or after instruction. Staff has also <br />included a standard condition of approval on the project that allows the City to review the <br />project again to add mitigating conditions should any future complaints regarding noise levels <br />occur. Such conditions could include modifying the hours of operation or reducing the number <br />of students." <br />Please note in the above that staff was concerned about ambient noise to the neighbors. Let's review <br />some of the major points in the above two paragraphs: <br />• Staff was concerned about noise impacting neighbors on the east side, who are 60 feet away <br />with an 8 foot solid brick sound wall in between to buffer the noise. <br />• Staff was even concerned about noise impacting neighbors on the south side, who are 80 feet <br />away with a street in between to buffer the noise. <br />28 <br />