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"Furthermore, the Millers claim that the Masonic Center is operating <br />unlawfully." <br />This is incorrect. The Millers do not "claim" that the Pleasanton Masonic Center is operating <br />unlawfully, instead the Millers have sent the City documented proof that the Pleasanton <br />Masonic Center and the City are violating the zoning codes and General Plan. <br />First, in reading the below comments, it is important to remember that three entities occupy the <br />Masonic building: <br />(1) The Masonic Lodge 11321, i.e., the fraternity for the Masons <br />(2) The Pleasanton Masonic Center (PMC), i.e., the holding company for the <br />fraternity which manages the rental income from the catering company and party <br />venue <br />(3) A Tasteful Affair, i.e., the catering company <br />The following reviews the documentation sent to the City regarding the unlawful activities by <br />the Masons violating the City's zoning codes and General Plan: <br />I. In an email on Oct. 16 2014 to Nelson Fialho, Brian Dolan and Kathy Narum, the Millers <br />made the City aware that the Pleasanton Masonic Center lost both its tax exempt status <br />and non - profit status by providing links to sites for the IRS and Secretary of State. <br />o The City omitted the Millers' email in their 2015 staff report. <br />o This is important because now the Pleasanton Masonic Center is a for - profit <br />commercial company, and commercial companies are not allowed in RM -2500 <br />zoned areas or in Public & Institutional designated areas in the General Plan <br />• The City omitted these city codes from their 2015 staff report, making it <br />more difficult for you, the Planning Commissioners, to determine if the <br />codes are being violated. <br />II. The Millers also provided a summary of the Masons' tax returns showing that the <br />Pleasanton Masonic Center is the entity that reports to the IRS the rental revenues from: <br />(1) the catering company (A Tasteful Affair rents the kitchen from the Masons), and (2) the <br />party venue (the PMC, which is the holding company for the fraternity, owns the lodge <br />building and rents the building to the public for parties). <br />o Therefore, the catering company and party venue activities should not be allowed <br />in a residential area since both of these activities are being managed by the PMC, a <br />for -profit company and not a non - profit. <br />o The City omitted this information in the 2015 staff report to you. <br />111. In the same email mentioned above, the Millers stated that the Pleasanton Masonic Center <br />has been operating without a Pleasanton business license since 2011. Furthermore, the <br />Millers wrote to the Pleasanton Business License Dept. asking the City to not reissue the <br />business license for the Pleasanton Masonic Center as an exempt- non - profit corporation <br />because the PMC is no longer exempt or non - profit as noted in the bullet above. <br />o The City omitted this letter in the 2015 staff report to you. <br />IV. The Millers and their attorney made the City aware of violations by the Masons in the <br />General Plan, zoning codes, 1977 Conditional Use Permit, 1977 Staff Report and 1977 <br />21 <br />