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Attachment #1 —The City's Errors & Omissions in the Jan. 28, 2015 Staff Report <br />1. Page 2 of the 2015 Staff Report discusses the 1977 conditions of approval and states, <br />"Conditions of approval indicate that an effective buffer be provided between <br />the Lodge and the surrounding residential neighborhood." <br />• The City omitted a major clarifying point which is the definition of the buffer. Specifically, <br />the buffer was defined in an email on 3/24/2009 by City Planner, Donna Decker, who states, <br />"At the time of the bldg. approval, providing the maximum distance between <br />the building and the residential area was accepted as the 'buffer' and no other <br />requirements were requested. Therefore, inclusion of this condition did not <br />appear appropriate, in that the City has accepted the distance as the 'adequate <br />buffer' provided." <br />• That is, the land between the Millers and the Masons is there to function as a buffer to <br />protect the neighbors from a noise nuisance created by the Masons. <br />• Therefore, when the Masons hold parties in the buffer, they are violating their CUP. <br />2. Page 2 of the 2015 Staff Report continues discussing the 1977 conditions of approval and states, <br />"Since the 1977 approvals, the Masonic center removed the original kitchen <br />door and installed a new double /French door in the dining hall." <br />• The City omitted a major point which is that installing the double /French door not only violates <br />the design review but also violates the CUP. <br />• The 1977 Design Review Board states, <br />"The entrance to the building would be on the south side. There would be no <br />windows in the other three elevations and the only other opening would be to <br />emergency exits tone on the east side and the other on the north side). Because <br />the building would be used for Lodge rituals, windows are not desired. Placing the <br />entrance on the south side of the building concentrates outdoor activities as far as <br />possible from the bordering residences. This is in conformance with the <br />requirements of the conditional use permit approval." <br />• Therefore, the 1977 Design Review Board clearly restricted "openings," or doors /windows, on <br />the side of the building facing the neighbors and clearly understood that converting the <br />backyard area into an outdoor entertainment area violated the design review. But more <br />importantly, that restricting building "openings" (AKA doors /windows) on the north side is <br />consistent with "the requirements of the conditional use permit." Therefore, it is clear that the <br />design review and CUP do not allow activities in the buffer space between the Masons building <br />and the neighboring residences. <br />• Note: prohibition of doors facing the neighbors is not stated in the CUP because it would be <br />redundant given that it is stated in the design review, and the design review links to the CUP <br />via the statement, "This is in conformance with the requirements of the conditional use <br />permit approval." <br />3. Page 2 of the 2015 Staff Report discusses the catering company and states, <br />"In addition, (previously) the City permitted catering businesses to use the <br />building." <br />• This statement is misleading because it omits that although a catering business was allowed <br />starting in 2000, it had very restricted functions and therefore did not remotely resemble a <br />true catering company. <br />9 <br />