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Attachment #6—The Millers' Requests <br />(See PowerPoint Presentation for additional details) <br />\. Enforce the 1977 CUP, Staff Report and Design Review <br />• The 1977 CUP, Staff Report and Design Review are to be enforced by the City so <br />that: (1) "all" noise is contained within the building, (2) events are focused on the <br />south side—the opposite side of the building away from the neighbors, and (3) no <br />activity occurs in the buffer (the backyard area) on the north and west sides so that <br />a shield is created against noise nuisances. <br />±3. <br />Replace the glass French doors with STC rated doors <br />• The 1977 design review also stipulated that the building be designed with no <br />openings [doors] facing the neighbors. When the Masons broke through the wall . <br />and added glass French doors, the new doors were not STC (sound transmission <br />class) rated, and hence the Millers can now hear, in their home, the music being <br />played in the banquet room. Therefore, these doors need to be replaced with solid <br />doors or STC rated doors. Another possibility that Millers may consider is, if these <br />doors are not replaced, then music (live or recorded) needs to be restricted to the <br />lodge room and not the banquet room. <br />Create a conditional use permit for the catering company <br />• The only documentation granting the Masons a catering company is a fetter sent <br />by City Planner Jenny Soo instead of a conditional use permit. The catering <br />company also is a noise nuisance because it operates at all hours of the night. The <br />Millers hear loud clanging, voices, music being played by workers, etc. <br />• A conditional use permit needs to be created so that conditions can be created for <br />the use of the catering company, e.g., the back door must remain closed during <br />operational hours to keep all noise within the building, the catering company <br />cannot violate the buffer and create a noise, light or odor nuisance, etc. outside the <br />building <br />As good neighbors, the Millers are willing to allow the catering company and <br />commercial banquet facility to operate if the above stipulations are implemented. <br />• The Millers do not object to commercial activity as long as "all" noise and activity is <br />kept within the building, as stated in the original 1977 staff report. <br />• The Millers feel that they are being good neighbors by acting with the same intent <br />as the 1977 Planning Commission in trying to find a solution for everyone. Even <br />though a catering company and a commercial banquet facility are not allowed in <br />residential areas, the Millers' peace and tranquility of their home was preserved <br />under the original 1977 conditions until 2006 when the 1977 conditions were <br />violated. Please keep in mind that the Masons have had the privilege of renting the <br />banquet room (excluding the outdoor area) since their inception in 1977. If the <br />original 1977 stipulations are not implemented, then the Millers are requesting that <br />the catering company be removed and the banquet facility cease operations to <br />stop the noise nuisance. <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />