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Hours of use (Estimated by the Millers) <br />An estimated 96% of the Masonic building is used for commercial purposes for both the <br />catering company and public parties versus only 4% for member meetings. <br />Hours of use of the lodge for non - Masonic events <br />• Hours of use by catering company <br />The catering company appears to use the building full time 40 hours plus per week for <br />probably 4 to 6 employee. (Note: these are estimates by the Millers.) <br />• Hours of use for public events <br />The rental agents (two part-time employees whose job it is to rent the commercial <br />banquet facility) use the building probably 10 hours per week. (Note: these are <br />estimates by the Millers.) <br />On average, the Masons hold approximately 26 rental events per year (as told to the <br />Millers by the Masons) which are estimated to use the building on average 2 hours per <br />week. <br />• Total hours <br />The total of the above two uses for the catering company and the building rental for <br />public events totals an estimated 52 hours per week for commercial uses. <br />Hours of use of the lodge for Masonic members <br />• The total estimated Masonic use for member meetings is approximately 2 hours per <br />week. <br />The Masons' use of the building for the primary function of member meetings is approximately <br />4 %, and commercial use of the building is approximately 96%. Hence the commercial uses are <br />not subordinate and incidental. Rather, they are the primary use of the building. <br />Page 11 of 18 <br />