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Valley Trails <br />Homeowners Association <br />EXHIBIT J <br />Valley Trails Homeowners Association ( VTHOA) <br />P.O. Box 143 <br />Pleasanton, Ca 94566 <br />September 14, 2014 <br />Mr. Nelson Fialho, City Manager <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Pleasanton City Hall <br />123 Main Street <br />Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br />RE: PROTECT PLEASANTON'S RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS <br />Dear Mr. Fialho: <br />Ms. Darlene Miller presented to our VTHOA meeting on September 14th and explained to us the <br />current situation at the Masonic Lodge building located at 3370 Hopyard Road. Attached are <br />both the Millers' letter and their Attorney's letter. <br />Our members are very concerned about the intrusion of commercial activities into residential <br />area in the guise of "accessory uses." The City needs to protect, not destroy, the peace and <br />tranquility of our residential neighborhoods. <br />The VTHOA agrees with the Millers that these commercial activities, and the associated noise <br />nuisance, should not be occurring in a residential neighborhood. The VTHOA also agrees that <br />the Planning Department's justification of the commercial activities via the "accessory use" <br />provision in the zoning code is not appropriate. <br />The VTHOA agrees with the Millers requests as included in their attached letter. <br />If you could find time to meet me and the Millers on this issue, I would certainly appreciate it <br />Most Sincerely, <br />VTHOA Board <br />P.O. Box 143 • Pleasanton. Califnrnin vd4 /.4 . ,r,^° • " , , ^ . <br />