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residence from 536 St. John Street to the Pleasanton Avenue site, and construct 12 townhomes <br />at 536 St. John Street. Key changes from the previous submittal included: (1) relocating the <br />existing home off -site; (2) reducing the number of new residential units from 14 to 12 units; <br />(3) creating an improved street presence by orienting the street - adjacent units towards St. John <br />Street; and (4) redesigning the project to be consistent with the height and scale of the <br />surrounding area, including limiting the height of the new residences to two stories. <br />Planning Commission Work Session <br />A Planning Commission Work Session was held for the project on March 23, 2016. The <br />Commission expressed general support for the project and provided staff and the applicant with <br />direction regarding relocating the existing historic residence to Pleasanton Avenue, density on <br />the St. John Street site, rezoning and conceptual site plan layout of the St. John Street parcels, <br />parking, and design as detailed in the Work Session section below. It was noted at the Work <br />Session that the applicant would need to have a guaranteed site for the home when a formal <br />application returned to the Commission for a recommendation to the Council. After several <br />discussions with various property owners over the last several months, the applicant concluded <br />that the only feasible site for the historic home was the St. John Street project site. At that point, <br />the applicant revised the project plans to retain the existing home and relocate it elsewhere on <br />the St. John Street site, construct a detached, single -car garage with an additional uncovered <br />tandem parking space, reduce the number of proposed townhomes from 12 to 10, and add two <br />on -site guest parking spaces. The current proposal is now before the Planning Commission for <br />review and recommendation to the City Council, which will review and take final action on the <br />applications. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION <br />The discussion at the March 23, 2016 Planning Commission Work Session focused on historic <br />resources, land use consistency, zoning and development standards, parking, and architecture. <br />A summary of that discussion organized into primary discussion topics is below. <br />Historic Resources <br />During the Work Session, the applicant was proposing to demolish the home at <br />4372 Pleasanton Avenue and relocate the existing historic home on the St. John Street project <br />site to the Pleasanton Avenue site. Although the Commission was supportive of demolishing <br />the home on the Pleasanton Avenue site, as it was determined that it was not a historic <br />resource, the applicant is no longer pursing that option. The current proposal involves <br />integrating the existing historic home into the new development by moving it to the northwest <br />corner of the site, maintaining its street - facing orientation, and adding the new townhomes <br />adjacent to and behind it. The applicant prepared an addendum to the historic resources survey <br />indicating whether and how the existing residence at 536 St. John Street could be relocated on- <br />site while still preserving the building's historic integrity (Exhibit C). There is no change to the <br />Pleasanton Avenue home or site as a part of this application. Staff's analysis pertaining to <br />retaining the home on -site is discussed in detail in the Historic Resources portion of the Analysis <br />section of this report. <br />General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan Consistency and Land Uses <br />The General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan designate the project site as High Density <br />Residential — allowing for residential development of greater than 8 dwelling units per gross <br />acre. The General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan allow for a variety of housing types (i.e., <br />P16 -1201, PUD -120, & TRACT 8326 Planning Commission <br />3 of 32 <br />