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of the older farm style look and it's a little different and I like it. I like the roofing that goes along <br /> with the siding of the homes. I don't have a problem at all with the design. <br /> Commissioner Allen: I like the design too. The only little thing—this is a nice-to-have but it's not <br /> a requirement would be, is there a little bit more we could do at the south elevation of the <br /> mixed use building to make it feel just a little more retail/business? That would be the only <br /> thing. I think it's gone a long ways, but is there anything else we could do just to enhance it a <br /> tiny bit more? <br /> Commissioner Brown: Being a man of few words tonight, regarding the design, I think it's a <br /> good one. <br /> Chair Ritter: All right, we're onto the last item. G.)What other information would assist the <br /> Planning Commission in its decision on the proposal? <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: I just wish we knew what was going to be going on the civic center <br /> site, which would help a lot, but other than that, I don't have anything. <br /> Commissioner Allen: Nothing to add. <br /> Commissioner Brown: May I ask one question of staff? Outside of the Specific Plan redesign <br /> which you said would start in the summer and take 12-24 months, my overriding concern is not <br /> with the project as it is. I like the project and notwithstanding discussion about possibly the <br /> other residence as an option there. What I really would like to see is resolution of 0 space on <br /> this part of the City and the fact that it's mostly residential today. Is there any option to resolve <br /> that and take into account the properties together and establish what that should be as <br /> guidance in approving this? Because if we were to approve it the way it is right now which like <br /> I said is a good design, I think it's going to create a domino for the neighboring properties and <br /> that's the number one concern I have, not the project itself. <br /> Beaudin: There's always an option to take on a rezoning effort on a smaller scale. The City <br /> Council work plan is really the right place to address policy changes that aren't project-specific. <br /> What Council did when they put the Downtown Specific Plan on the work plan is they really <br /> prioritized this. As Adam mentioned, when we were getting going, it is in the top five concerns <br /> that people have about the downtown and the dysfunction relative to the lack of performance <br /> for the Office district. So the short answer to your question is, it's not an effort that we would <br /> undertake without that Council direction and in light of the fact that we're going to start in a <br /> couple of months, we wouldn't necessarily get through an Office review or rezone effort any <br /> faster at this time. It would still take us the time to do the necessary environmental review, <br /> public consultation, and so it's pretty much going to happen as part of that Downtown Specific <br /> Plan at this stage. And, if other people come forward in the meantime, then we'll be using <br /> some of the discussion that we've had here tonight, but we're also being really mindful of the <br /> fact that this is a really interesting opportunity site here at the civic center and we want to make <br /> sure that anything that happens is going to be as attractive and as exciting as what the <br /> applicant has shown us tonight. <br /> Commissioner Brown: Okay, fair, thank you. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 21 of <br /> 22 <br />