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Beaudin: Can I just ask a clarifying question. So, on page A-4 in your plans; if you look at the <br /> lower floor plan in the top right corner of that page. <br /> Amos: Just to clarify, there's two exhibits—Exhibit B and Exhibit B-1. I think Gerry is referring <br /> to Exhibit B. <br /> Beaudin: Okay, I'm going to talk a little bit more about what staff had in mind when we talked <br /> about live/work or at least some commercial/office space fronting Old Bernal. So this <br /> building—what you're seeing as the large square on that; this is the floor plan in the upper right <br /> corner. It's the lower floor plan. You can see that the garage is dimensioned here at 434 <br /> square feet. That's the largest box in the floor plan. The smaller box in the front is what would <br /> be the room that faces the street and that's the space I was contemplating as a live/work office <br /> space that would front Bernal. You would still come in the home from the driveway or paseo <br /> proposed between the existing development on the new site. If you look at the amount of <br /> square footage that would be dedicated to this office space, it's almost a home office kind of <br /> environment and the garage is 434 square feet, so this is going to be a lot less than 300 <br /> square feet, which would kick to the one parking space. <br /> If we use the plan that's in front of us tonight, we're probably talking about one additional <br /> space. If you think about the context of this environment and the kind of office user that might <br /> be here, you may or may not want to consider an additional parking space requirement for <br /> something like this. The idea wasn't to try and get the entire ground floor in this particular site <br /> plan to work as office. It was still going to be an entrance to a home, maybe a bathroom or <br /> some other kind of space on the ground floor and then stairs leading to the living space. <br /> Commissioner Balch: So I apologize because I grabbed onto that thinking that you would have <br /> the exterior architecture change to almost match your mixed use on the corner because you <br /> had talked about it. <br /> Beaudin: And I think that was the direction staff was going with; more of a commercial <br /> presence at least at the street level, so maybe there are some different windows for that office <br /> space for example. Maybe there's room to hang a shingle for a stay at home office space, so <br /> you could make it look and feel a little more oriented to the street, a little more like an office but <br /> still on the back side be a residential unit. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I think I'm still aligned with the initial comment. I like that idea but I wasn't <br /> necessarily supportive of the redesigned mixed use repeated on Residence 1 site because of <br /> the parking and other challenges. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: I don't think I would be supportive of the home office concept <br /> because I don't think we're there. I think we're creating something that isn't going to be very <br /> viable for the developer. I think I would want to leave it as presented. <br /> Chair Ritter: I kind of agree too. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I can go that way. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 19 of <br /> 22 <br />