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Weinstein: Yes, there have been General Plan Amendments and Specific Plan Amendments, <br /> including one from Mike Carey's project up on St. Mary and Peters. I'd probably characterize it <br /> a bit differently. It seems like the first priority should be staying true to the planning documents <br /> that we have, with amendments being allowed if there are extraordinary circumstances or <br /> there's a clear gap or missing tooth in the Specific Plan or General Plan. <br /> Chair Ritter: All right. (D) Does the Planning Commission support parking facilities that are <br /> shared by the office/retail space and upper apartment units? <br /> Commissioner Brown: Yes. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: But what do you think about the number? <br /> Commissioner Balch: Oh well, that's the next question. <br /> Commissioner Brown: He's giving me only one word questions. <br /> Chair Ritter: Are they shared by the office/retail and upper unit apartments? <br /> Commissioner Nagler: It sort of doesn't matter what the principle is. The question is how many <br /> spaces do you need for all the use, right? And what's the right way to get to the number of <br /> spaces whether you define it as melding the two or not, it sort of doesn't matter to me. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I would agree with Commissioner Nagler. It's an interesting way the <br /> question was put because I think by the nature of it, they are going to be shared. They're in the <br /> same building and they're accessing call it mixed use building 1. I don't have a problem with it. <br /> I don't think it has to be designated similar to the Knuppe project where I believe there was a <br /> handicapped stall that could be used for anyone, even though it would say resident only. Now <br /> that I think about it, we did have that in at the end, right? So I don't have a problem with it. <br /> Chair Ritter: Yes. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor: Yes. <br /> Commissioner Allen: I'm torn on this and the reason I'm torn is for this specific project on this <br /> site with a 300-square-foot apartment building I think one car is fine. I always worry about <br /> precedent. The Knuppe project we did not allow sharing. We absolutely did not and so I always <br /> worry when we start bending rules because of the issue of precedent. So to the degree that we <br /> did agree to this, I think we should be very, very clear in the staff report and everything else <br /> about why we are doing it so that it doesn't set a precedent just to be done loosely everywhere <br /> else. I worry about that. <br /> Chair Ritter: (E) If not, would the Planning Commission support having the applicant/developer <br /> pay in-lieu fees or would the Planning Commission prefer that the parking requirements be met <br /> on-site? <br /> Commissioner Allen: Well, again I said I would be open to that for this so then the in-lieu fee <br /> would be okay or maybe even not required. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 16 of <br /> 22 <br />