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development value on the Civic Center site (and ostensibly other development sites in the <br /> immediate area), there is a strong market for mixed uses in Downtown. Furthermore, the <br /> report indicates that ground-floor retail uses (in a mixed-use format) "could provide urban <br /> design and unique 'place-making' benefits." <br /> The Planning Commission Work Session also provided the public with an opportunity to review <br /> and comment on the proposed plan. Written comments were included with the Work Session <br /> staff report; however, no public comments, other than from the applicant team, were provided <br /> at the meeting. The May 25, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minute excerpts are <br /> provided as Exhibit C. <br /> Based on the feedback received at the May 25, 2016, Planning Commission Work Session, <br /> the applicant revised the first-floor plans of the three, detached, single-story homes to space <br /> identified as "mixed use" (labeled as "MU" on the floor plans). The application being presented <br /> to the Planning Commission is for a formal recommendation to the City Council for review and <br /> final decision. <br /> SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTION <br /> The subject site is located on the northwest quadrant of Old Bernal Avenue and Augustine <br /> Street, is approximately 0.28-acres in area, generally trapezoidal in shape, and relatively flat <br /> (refer to Figure 1). The parcel is accessible from two driveways: one on the north side of Old <br /> Bernal Avenue and one on the west side of Augustine Street. There is fencing that varies in <br /> type and height along all property lines and there are three heritage-sized trees and three non- <br /> heritage size trees on-site. <br /> The existing approximately 868-square-foot, single-story dwelling unit, constructed in 1895, is <br /> located in the southeast portion of the site and an accessory structure and multi-car carport are <br /> located on the north side of the property. Workers from the Americo Zaro Gravel Company <br /> resided in the home in the 1940s and 1950s and likely used the brick accessory structure for <br /> equipment storage and the carport for large vehicle storage. Staff notes that the home was not <br /> included in the City's Historic Resource Survey since it is located in an Office Zoning District <br /> and surveys were only conducted for homes in residential zoning districts. The applicant <br /> provided a historic resource evaluation and an addendum to the evaluation which found that <br /> none of the buildings on the site are historic resources (please refer to Exhibit D). <br /> The properties adjacent to the subject parcel include a parcel that has an existing single-family <br /> home with three apartment units currently under construction to the north; a single-story dental <br /> office building to the east, across Augustine Street; the City's library parking lot to the south, <br /> across Old Bernal Avenue; and a two-story, single-family home to the west. The subject site is <br /> also approximately 543 feet to the east of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, measured from the <br /> tracks to the closest property line of the subject site. Figures 1 through 3 show an aerial and <br /> street-scene view of the subject site and existing structures. <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 4 of 25 <br />