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r/• 'Pleasanton Downtown Associatic. <br /> DOWNTOWN VITALITY COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> March 22, 2016 <br /> Attendees: Bryan Bowers, Mike Carey, Peter MacDonald,Janice Phalen,Vera Revelli,Judy Wheeler, Laura <br /> Olson <br /> 1. Called to Order at 12:05 pm by Chairperson Bryan Bowers <br /> 2. Minutes—motion to approve February minutes as presented. MSC. <br /> 3. Economic Development Report—Laura gave a report on new&coming businesses and <br /> upcoming events. <br /> 4. Old Business <br /> a. 2016 PDA Priorities &Visions Matrix—The committee reviewed &discussed the <br /> PDA's 2016 Priorities. <br /> i. Expand & Improve Parking in Downtown <br /> • The committee discussed the 3-hour parking enforcement, the St. <br /> Mary Street lot &the fact that there are still 2 years left on DeMolay's <br /> use contract with the railroad (Laura to get copy of contract&share <br /> with group), what the parking code says about the public parking lot <br /> behind Redcoats.The committee would like Gerry Beaudin to come to <br /> the April DVC meeting to share the results of the parking study prior to <br /> the results being shared at City Council. Laura to reach out to Gerry <br /> and follow-up with the committee. <br /> ii. Recruiting& Retaining Retail <br /> iii. Formal Review& Update of the Downtown Specific Plan <br /> iv. Wayside & Delucchi Park Improvements <br /> 5. New Business— <br /> i. Civic Center Task Force Update—the committee discussed the task force and <br /> the current status of this project. <br /> ii. 4971 Augustine Street—Mike Carey presented his project to the committee y <br /> for input.The project will include 3 single family homes and a mixed use <br /> building with retail space on the 1s`floor and apartments above.The <br /> committee moved to support the project and strongly encourages the City to <br /> allow for uses beyond the Office designation for the 1s`floor retail space. DVC <br /> would like to see the parcel zones modified CC allowing limited retail so that <br /> we are encouraging vitality in that area of downtown. - MSC <br /> Meeting adjourned at 1:33 pm. .- .— <br /> Next DVC meeting:Tuesday,April 26 at Noon at the PDA Office. <br /> Respectfully submitted by Laura Olson <br />