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While I've got your attention, one thing—Condition 45—it has to do with retaining trees <br /> and we want to keep every tree we can. The only thing we'd like to add is, where <br /> feasible, we'll make every effort. If you have a curb that's in a tree, we can't save that <br /> one, but we want to make every effort to save every tree but we want to put where <br /> feasible or make best effort. Thank you. <br /> Chair Ritter: Okay, thank you. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: On Guy's comment. I'm fine with qualifying the language just <br /> because it's probably going to happen and obviously there's an interest in maintaining <br /> as many trees as possible. First let me start by saying, I think you guys have done a <br /> great job responding from the workshop. I think this is an example of how workshops <br /> are a valuable part of the Commission's work and that we could actually end up with a <br /> better project if the applicant is responsive to what the Commission is saying and I think <br /> you've done that in this instance and I think that's a great compliment to you and it <br /> makes for a better project. And it seems like the outstanding issue is this well which is <br /> kind of interesting that it comes up again, but it does seem to be the outstanding issue. <br /> And to echo Commissioner Balch's comments, honestly I'm of a mixed mind because of <br /> fairness, the well ought to be capped; that just by happenstance this piece of property <br /> historically had a well on it and therefore there is access to water which is a rare <br /> commodity these days and probably will be for quite some time and I'm not sure just out <br /> of fairness whether this well ought to be maintainable. On the other hand, it's going to <br /> have almost no impact on the rest of the community in fact, and if out of it the property <br /> is better maintained, then it is a benefit and the flipside is true; you're lucky to have it. <br /> So I'm of a mixed mind honestly that you could leave it. <br /> Commissioner Allen: So I want to ditto my Commissioners all the way and really to <br /> commend Mr. Houston and his team. This is a great example as you all said of listening <br /> to our feedback and coming back with a project that addressed every single issue and <br /> more. Thank you. It makes our job really easy. It's a great job and a role model. <br /> In terms of the well, I'm also divided a little bit. I guess I think more of capping it <br /> because I place a slightly higher value on equity, and if we're not issuing new well <br /> permits these days and we're telling other people to eventually cap wells then I think we <br /> need to be fair and consistent and we may be having more projects like this in the <br /> future. Secondly, we are in drought and even though I may not notice or none of us may <br /> notice individually what is happening, it does drain this limited resource that we're all <br /> using in Pleasanton and water is a top concern, so I don't feel its right to knowingly now <br /> allow the well. <br /> Then my third point is that I happened to be riding my bike on the Marilyn Kane Trail in <br /> Bernal Park the other day and noticed one of our City employees in a truck that was <br /> going and getting recyclable water to water all of the trees we just planted in Bernal <br /> Park and I was shocked. I said to myself, wow, the City is really being diligent about <br /> using recyclable water to maintain the trees we have so let's expect that of some of <br /> these new properties like this too. <br /> EXCERPT: DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2016 Page 6 of 8 <br />