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Hagen: It would. I'm not aware of any new well permits that are being issued at this time <br /> and the cost of a new well from my understanding is extremely high so it's not <br /> something that's commonly done and I'm not aware of it actually happening anywhere <br /> else in the City at this time except for existing wells. <br /> Commissioner Allen: Thank you. <br /> Houston: From what little I know about it, there's no prohibition against drilling a well <br /> and getting a permit to do that. Depending upon your depth, it may be anywhere from <br /> $25,000 to $30,000 to drill a well. Those numbers I've heard, so we'd like to keep it. <br /> Chair Ritter: There's an easement to get to the creek from Street A that's in there. I just <br /> wanted to clarify, that's on Lot 1? <br /> Hagen: Yes, they've also included a second easement. They have one access <br /> easement that's going to be here from the driveway that they can get all the way <br /> through, but if they need be as part of the agreements that they have between all of the <br /> parcels, they're going to have a secondary access easement in here. <br /> Commissioner Balch: ...and one from the other side. <br /> Hagen: Yes, on the other side of the creek, the church will be able to maintain it from <br /> the north side as well. <br /> Houston: The easement purpose is of mutual benefit so if there were any real problems <br /> the property owners are probably much more affected by this than the church who's <br /> way up high and wouldn't be affected by a flood or anything that happened to the creek, <br /> so to get into their creek you have the church kind of go through our property to get to <br /> the creek on that side and then vice versa. We can get into their creek for any <br /> emergencies we have, so it's a mutual easement that's beneficial to all. <br /> Chair Ritter: Okay, no further questions. Thank you. <br /> Houston: Thank you very much. <br /> Chair Ritter: Okay, anybody else who would like to speak, please bring your yellow card <br /> up. I have one speaker card for this Diane Kolb? <br /> Diane Kolb: I live on Dublin Canyon Road; the Lester property. I have a question. When <br /> we got City water, Pleasanton said we had to cap our wells. If we got the City water, the <br /> wells had to be capped. We had livestock and we capped our wells. This project, why is <br /> there a project of them keeping their well if they're going to have City water? What <br /> happens? Why were we mandatorily required to get rid of our wells, yet there's a well. <br /> That was my main concern because you made us cap ours. When we used City water <br /> and when the creek goes dry, it's our water that feeds the livestock and I don't <br /> understand why we had to close ours. It was 2 wells. Thank you. I just wanted to bring <br /> that up. <br /> EXCERPT: DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2016 Page 3 of 8 <br />