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Ritter: Three additional units. <br /> Weinstein: Yes. <br /> Balch: Well the church qualifies as a unit right? <br /> Weinstein: Three units total—three residential units total. <br /> Balch: Each at 5 acres is what you're saying? <br /> Weinstein: Yes. <br /> Nagler: So if that were to occur, the homes would then need to be spread out across the <br /> 15 acres, right? <br /> Weinstein: The units don't have to be on 5 acre lots. The density is one unit per 5 acres, <br /> but the General Plan actually encourages clustering of homes on 1 acre lots. So there <br /> could be three homes on one acre lots and the rest would effectively be open space. <br /> Balch: Designated open space to meet the requirement of the zoning then. <br /> O'Connor: The question is, would the 15 acres all be owned by the three homeowners <br /> or could you cluster three homes separately and leave the other 12 acres with the <br /> church. <br /> Hagen: The other 12 acres could be with the church and that parcel would have multiple <br /> designations. The remaining property with the remaining acreage within that 15 would <br /> have to be designated somehow as open space or maintained as an open space <br /> easement, but it could be maintained by the church. <br /> O'Connor: So on number 1, I also feel the same way as Commissioner Allen. I'm not a <br /> fan of changing the General Plan to increase the number of units. I know that the City <br /> has looked at this property a few times. I've also been out there and I do think if we can <br /> get to one acre lots or even larger, I think it would be feasible to put three homes out <br /> there. And, I hadn't really looked at it before. Mr. Houston had said they picked this <br /> driveway specifically because of how you can see traffic in both direction so it's kind of a <br /> safety thing. But when I looked at this, if we use the same driveway they have today, <br /> and I'm not trying to plan this for you, I'm just throwing out a suggestion. But, if we use <br /> the same driveway to access two homes on an acre or acre-plus in that area, a third <br /> home I thought could go down by the church entrance which has quite a large area <br /> between the adjacent property and the church driveway. I think we could get an acre- <br /> plus lot over on that side as well and I just think that's one option. <br /> But again, I'm not in favor of increasing density. We hear all the time from the people <br /> who come to see us that we have too many homes already. We have too much traffic <br /> already. We don't have enough water. The schools are over-crowded. We keep hearing <br /> this, and I agree and again, I know we lost a lawsuit a few years ago but we used to <br /> have a housing cap and I know the majority of people in Pleasanton would rather have <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 13 of 22 <br />