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tall. These trees are about 30-feet tall so this would be what the view of that garage <br /> would be if those oak trees are retained and we think that having those trees there <br /> provides that buffer, provides the country feel and so far from wanting to get rid of the <br /> P � P ry 9 9 <br /> country feel and the landscaping, we think this is a huge asset that we should keep. <br /> Ritter: (Buzzer) The reason I m going to let you go is because( ) g g y g a se I think we're going to ask <br /> you all these questions. <br /> Houston: Then I defer to the buzzer. I'm sorry. Thank you. <br /> Ritter: Thank you. We just have one speaker card. Does anybody else want to speak on <br /> this? If so, bring it on up and we'll open it up for speakers and then we'll bring the <br /> applicant back and we can start asking you questions. Is that okay? <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING IS OPENED. <br /> Diane Kolb: I live at 1102 Dublin Canyon Road. My mother Mable and brother Myron <br /> live at 11033 Dublin Canyon Road. We've been there since 1953. My great- <br /> grandparents were on the land since 1916. I'm speaking for my family and we see no <br /> problem with the project from Pleasant View Church of Christ at 11300 Dublin Canyon <br /> Road on the lower portion. We think the project will improve and upgrade the <br /> appearance in our country community. We are very interested in the improvements that <br /> would be a benefit to the area such as the underground power lines and installation of <br /> the GPS traffic flashing light signals. We cannot see why you would want to remove <br /> 10 trees for a sidewalk to nowhere. We say, save the trees and make it look like <br /> country. We are all for a left-hand turn lane into this project. On behalf of my family <br /> which has lived on the property for 63 years, please vote yes on the PUD-114. Thank <br /> you. <br /> Brad Ingram: I live in the Preserve community which is just south of the proposed <br /> property across Dublin Canyon Road and I think there's a fine line between country <br /> rural setting and an overgrown weedy old horse property where people are throwing <br /> trash out of their cars. I've seen furniture, bags of kitchen trash and all kinds of stuff <br /> there. I think that this project would be a great improvement over what we have now <br /> there. Guy spoke to the dangers of traffic on Dublin Canyon Road. I mean that road is <br /> dangerous, especially at night because it's dark. It provides access to our community <br /> from kind of a dark, rural setting and I don't know if you guys are familiar with all of the <br /> criminal activity that goes on up in the Preserve, but it provides a great mechanism for <br /> people to access the community and then leave it in the dark and I think that this project <br /> would provide kind of a buttress to the community from the dark, rural setting that's now <br /> out there. I would hope that you guys would support this proposal because I think it <br /> does not impede on anybody else around it and it provides the area with a development <br /> in a last piece of open space that doesn't look real nice right now. It is not only an <br /> eyesore, but darkness. So thank you. <br /> Barb Young: I'm at 11249 Dublin Canyon Road and directly across the street from the <br /> project they're all talking about. We've had the property over 55 years and I too feel and <br /> agree with what everybody else has said; that it would be a nice enhancement to our <br /> neighborhood. Like the others have said, people coming down that road are going way <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 5 of 22 <br />