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6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design <br /> of the proposed development plan: <br /> The private street provides access to and from the site and has adequate turn-around <br /> area to serve fire trucks. The new homes would be equipped with automatic residential <br /> fire sprinklers. The homes would be required to meet the requirements of applicable <br /> City codes, and State of California energy and accessibility requirements. The <br /> conditions of approval require the applicant to prepare an open space management <br /> plan for the non-developed portion of the site to reduce natural hazards. Therefore, <br /> staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> 7. Whether the proposed development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD <br /> District: <br /> The proposed PUD Development Plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district. <br /> One of these purposes is to allow for creative project design that takes into account site <br /> constraints. Staff believes that the proposed project would help to implement the <br /> purposes of the PUD ordinance by allowing for flexible site standards on the site, <br /> allowing units to be clustered in the flatter portions of the site near Dublin Canyon Road <br /> while protecting Dublin Creek and approximately 9 acres of open space. Staff believes <br /> that through the PUD process the proposed project has provided the applicant and the <br /> City with a development plan that optimizes the use of this site in a reasonably sensitive <br /> manner. Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> PUBLIC NOTICE <br /> Notice of this application was sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br /> 1,000-foot radius of the site. Staff has provided the location and noticing maps as Exhibit F for <br /> reference. At the time of the report publication, Staff received one email expressing various <br /> questions and concerns regarding the proposed project. The email is included within Exhibit E <br /> for reference. Any additional public comments received after publication of this report will be <br /> forwarded to the Commission. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was certified for the Housing Element <br /> update in 2011. The project site was part of Housing Element update, which assumed that the <br /> General Plan land use designation of Rural Density Residential and the Zoning Designation of <br /> A (Agriculture) District allowed for 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres of land. The proposed <br /> development is therefore substantially consistent with the 2011 Housing Element update, <br /> which was analyzed in the SEIR. The SEIR provided analysis at a programmatic level. In order <br /> to provide additional project-level analysis, the applicant provided an additional Arborist <br /> Report/Tree, Biological Resources Analysis, Geotechnical Investigation, Noise Assessment <br /> Study, and Health Risk Assessment Memorandum. The assessments identified measures <br /> sufficient to reduce project impacts to a less-than-significant level, and these measures are <br /> incorporated as conditions of approval. In addition, the technical studies identified no new <br /> information or changed circumstances that would require supplemental environmental review, <br /> pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15162. Therefore, <br /> no environmental document accompanies this report. <br /> PUD-114, 11300 Dublin Canyon Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 14 of 15 <br />