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Pleasanton City Clerk <br /> Subject: FW: Meeting on July 19th <br /> From: Karen R <br /> Sent: Monday,July 18, 2016 7:45 AM <br /> To: Mayor and City Council <citycouncil> <br /> Subject: Meeting on July 19th <br /> Good Morning, <br /> My name is Karen Reid and I have been a resident of Pleasanton for almost 30 years, and recently became a <br /> homeowner here in town. <br /> Over the last 30 years we have watched Pleasanton grow, both in positive and negative ways, and have <br /> becoming increasingly alarmed at the last couple of years and the speed at which growth has increased. What <br /> used to be quiet neighborhoods are now littered with sirens throughout the night and an insane increase in traffic <br /> through town. The cost of living is so high, but we willingly pay for the town that Pleasanton (used) to <br /> be. These days, it feels like any "open" square footage is suddenly a three-story condo without any regard to <br /> neither the existing neighborhoods nor the desire to keep Pleasanton a town and not a sprawling mess that <br /> Dublin is quickly becoming. I work in Oakland and I am terrified to think that Pleasanton could ever be as <br /> crowded, developed, and crazy as it is down there. <br /> Measure K was so incredibly heartbreaking and a supreme disappointment to those of us that actually care <br /> about the way this town is going. Additional development will now drive wildlife off of the sparse land they <br /> have left, causing them to be hit by cars or shot by police (mountain lions). <br /> I strongly urge the City Council of Pleasanton to put the vote back in the hands of the people, allowing us to <br /> make our own decisions about our town. We do NOT want a big-box store, we just want our town back. Let <br /> those that want to go to Costco go to any of the five in the area, perfectly doable and it keeps that mess out of <br /> our town. <br /> Not quite sure at what point the City Council will begin to start defending the town from developers again,just <br /> hope we have land left to defend. <br /> Thank you for your time. <br /> Regards, <br /> Karen Reid <br /> MPA, School of Policy, Planning, and Development, USC 2008 <br /> BA, Saint Mary's College of California 2007 <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br /> Provided to the City Council <br /> After Distribution of Packet <br /> Date . 7//8//cs <br /> 1 <br />