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a. During installation, copper material shall be pre-patinated at the <br /> factory, if available. If patination is done on-site, collect the rinse water <br /> in a tank and haul off-site for disposal. With prior authorization from <br /> Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), the rinse water may be <br /> collected in a tank and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Consider <br /> coating the copper materials with a clear coating that prevents further <br /> corrosion and stormwater pollution. The clear coating, if utilized, shall <br /> be reapplied (as recommended by the coating manufacturer) to <br /> maintain its efficacy. <br /> b. During maintenance (e.g., washing or re-patination), the following <br /> applies: <br /> i. Minimize washing of architectural copper as it damages the patina <br /> and any protective coating. <br /> ii. Block storm drain inlets as needed to prevent runoff from entering <br /> storm drains. <br /> iii. Collect the wash or rinse water in a tank and dispose off-site or <br /> (with prior authorization from DSRSD), discharge the wash or <br /> rinse water to the sanitary sewer. <br /> j. Roof drains shall drain away from the building foundation. Ten percent of the <br /> stormwater flow shall drain to a landscaped area or to an unpaved area <br /> wherever practicable as determined by the City Engineer/Chief Building <br /> Official. <br /> k. There shall be no direct roof leaders connected to the street gutter/parking lot <br /> or storm drain system, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> I. The cafeteria facility shall have a sink or other container or area for cleaning <br /> floor mats, equipment, and hood filters. The cleaning area shall be connected <br /> to a structural control, such as a sand filter or an oil/water separator, prior to <br /> discharging to the sanitary sewer system. The cleaning area shall be large <br /> enough to clean the largest mat or piece of equipment to be cleaned. The <br /> cleaning area shall be indoors or in a roofed area outdoors; both areas must <br /> be plumbed to the sanitary sewer. Outdoor cleaning areas shall be designed <br /> to prevent stormwater run-on from entering the sanitary sewer and to prevent <br /> stormwater run-off from carrying pollutants to the storm drain. Signs shall be <br /> posted indicating that all food service equipment washing activities shall be <br /> conducted in this area. The applicant and/or food service owner shall instruct <br /> employees to conduct all washing activities in this area. The specific <br /> connection and discharge requirements are subject to approval by the Chief <br /> Building Official. <br /> 125. The developer or applicant shall install trash capture devices within the project's <br /> storm drain inlets or storm drain piping to capture trash within the development. <br /> These devices shall trap particles of 5mm or greater and have treatment capacity <br /> not less than the peak storm from a "one year, one hour" event within the <br /> 24 of 28 <br />