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concerning treatment and dispositions of the human remains to the person <br /> responsible for the excavation, or to his/her authorized representative. A similar <br /> note shall appear on the improvement plans. <br /> 108. All existing wells on the site shall be removed or sealed, filled and abandoned <br /> pursuant to Alameda County Ordinance 73-68, prior to the start of grading <br /> operations. Wells shall be destroyed in accordance with the procedures outlined <br /> on the permit obtained from Zone 7. Zone 7 may request the <br /> developer/subdivider to retain specific wells for monitoring the ground water. The <br /> developer/subdivider shall notify the City of Zone 7's desire to retain any well and <br /> make provisions to save the well. Additionally, the developer/subdivider may <br /> request special approval for temporary use of an existing well for construction <br /> water or a more permanent use such as non potable outdoor landscaping. The <br /> developer/subdivider shall make such request in writing to the City Engineer. <br /> CODE CONDITIONS <br /> (Applicants/Developers are responsible for complying with all applicable Federal, <br /> State and City codes and regulations regardless of whether or not the <br /> requirements are part of this list. The following items are provided for the <br /> purpose of highlighting key requirements.) <br /> Building and Safety Division <br /> 109. The project developer shall submit a building survey and/or record of survey and a <br /> site development plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.68 of the <br /> Municipal Code of the City of Pleasanton. These plans shall be approved by the <br /> Chief Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of a building permit. The <br /> site development plan shall include all required information to design and <br /> construct site, grading, paving, drainage, and utilities. <br /> 110. The buildings covered by this approval shall be designed and constructed to meet <br /> Title 24 state energy requirements. <br /> 111. All building and/or structural lans must comply with all codes and ordinances in <br /> effect before the Building and Safety Division will issue permits. <br /> Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department <br /> 112. All construction covered by this approval shall conform to the requirements of the <br /> California Building Code currently in effect, the California Fire Code currently in <br /> effect, and the City of Pleasanton Ordinance 2015. All required permits shall be <br /> obtained. <br /> 113. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in all occupancies in accordance with <br /> City of Pleasanton Ordinance 2015. Installations shall conform to NFPA <br /> 19 of 28 <br />