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EXHIBIT C <br /> • <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 2100 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON • <br /> APPROVING THE APPLICATIONS OF WORKDAY, INC. FOR PLANNED UNIT <br /> DEVELOPMENT (PUD) REZONING, MAJOR MODIFICATION, AND DEVELOPMENT <br /> PLAN APPROVAL, AS FILED UNDER CASES PUD-104 AND PUD-81-22-14M <br /> WHEREAS, Workday, Inc. has applied for Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning <br /> of an approximately 6.9 acre site at 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road from the Planned Unit <br /> Development — High Density Residential/Commercial District to the Planned Unit Development <br /> -- Mixed Use District, PUD development plan to construct a six-story, approximately 430,000 <br /> square foot office building, parking garage, and related site improvements (PUD-104), and PUD <br /> Major Modification to the PUD governing Stoneridge Corporate Plaza (6120-6160 Stoneridge <br /> Mali Road) to construct a parking garage, surface parking modifications, and related site <br /> improvements and to eliminate the public's use of the private landscaped area between the <br /> existing office buildings (PUD-81-22-14M) (collectively the "Project"); and <br /> WHEREAS, at its public hearing on April 23, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted <br /> Resolution 2014-22, determining that the proposed rezoning, major modification, and <br /> development plan are appropriate for the sites, making findings, and recommending to the City <br /> Council that PUD-104 and PUD-81-22-14M be approved; and <br /> WHEREAS, on May 20; 2014, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the <br /> application and considered all public testimony, agenda reports, and related materials, and the <br /> recommendations of City staff and the Planning Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS, based on the Initial Environmental Study, a mitigated negative declaration <br /> was adopted by the City Council on May 20, 2014; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed PUD rezoning, major modification, <br /> and development plan are consistent with the City's General Plan and purposes of the PUD <br /> ordinance. <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the reduction of the residential density on the <br /> 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road property is consistent with the General Plan and that the remaining <br /> sites identified in the City's Housing Element are adequate to accommodate the City's share of <br /> the regional housing need after the elimination of the Windstar project's 350 apartment units. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br /> HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION 1. Approves the rezoning of an approximately 6.9 acre site at 6110 <br /> Stoneridge Mall Road from the Planned Unit Development — High Density <br /> Residential/Commercial District to the Planned Unit Development—Mixed Use District. <br /> SECTION 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Pleasanton, dated April 18, 1960, on file <br /> with the City Clerk, designating and dividing the City into zoning districts, is hereby amended by <br /> Zoning Unit Map No. 490, attached hereto as Exhibit B, dated May 20, 2014, and incorporated <br /> herein by this reference. <br />