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Meal Delivery Funding Guidelines <br /> Service Description Meal Delivery Funding programs provide funding to programs that <br /> deliver meals to the homes of individuals who are generally too <br /> frail to travel outside to congregate meal sites. Although this <br /> provides access to life sustaining needs for seniors and people <br /> with disabilities, it is not a direct transportation expense. <br /> Eligible Population For currently operating programs, at discretion of program <br /> sponsor. <br /> Time and Days of For currently operating programs, at discretion of program <br /> Service sponsor. <br /> Fare (Cost to Customer) For currently operating programs, at discretion of program <br /> sponsor. <br /> Other Currently operating funding programs may continue, but new <br /> meal delivery funding programs may not be established. <br /> Capital Expenditures Guidelines <br /> Description Capital expenditures are eligible if directly related to the <br /> implementation of a program or project within an eligible service <br /> category, including but not limited to, purchase of scheduling <br /> software, accessible vehicles and equipment and accessibility <br /> improvements at shuttle stops. <br /> Eligible Population N/A <br /> Time and Days of N/A <br /> Service <br /> Fare (Cost to Customer) N/A <br /> Other Capital expenditures are to support the eligible service types <br /> included in the Implementation Guidelines and must be consistent <br /> with objectives of the Alameda CTC Special Transportation for <br /> Seniors and Peoples with Disabilities (Paratransit) Program. <br /> Planned expenditures are subject to review by Alameda CTC <br /> staff prior to implementation. <br /> Page 111 <br />