Alameda CTC Agreement No.A16-0063
<br /> 3. Fund Exchange:Any fund exchanges made using Measure B,Measure BB,or VRF funds
<br /> must be made for transportation purposes.ALAMEDA CTC will consider exchange proposals on a case-by-
<br /> case basis.
<br /> 4. Staff Cost Limitations:Direct costs associated with the delivery of programs and projects
<br /> associated with Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF programs,including direct staff costs and consultant costs,
<br /> are eligible uses of Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF funds.ALAMEDA CTC does not allow indirect costs,
<br /> unless the RECIPIENT submits an independently audited/approved Indirect Cost Allocation Plan.
<br /> RECIPIENT shall comply with each of the reporting requirements set forth below.If RECIPIENT fails
<br /> to comply with one or more of these requirements,ALAMEDA CTC may withhold payment of further
<br /> Measure B,Measure BB,and/or VRF funds to RECIPIENT until full compliance is achieved.
<br /> 1. RECIPIENT shall,by December 31st of each year,submit to ALAMEDA CTC,at the
<br /> RECIPIENT's expense,separate independently audited financial statements for the prior fiscal year ended June
<br /> 30 of Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF funds received and used.
<br /> 2. RECIPIENT shall,by December 31st of each year, submit to ALAMEDA CTC,at the
<br /> RECIPIENT's expense,annual program compliance reports (covering the prior fiscal year) regarding programs
<br /> and projects on which RECIPIENT expended Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF funds.
<br /> 3. RECIPIENT shall document expenditure activities and report on the performance of Measure
<br /> B,Measure BB,and VRF funded activities through the annual program compliance reporting process,or
<br /> through other ALAMEDA CTC performance and reporting processes as they may be requested,including but
<br /> not limited to the annual performance report,annual program plan,planning monitoring reports.Program
<br /> Performance Measures are attached hereto as Exhibit C.
<br /> 4. RECIPIENT shall install or mount signage adjacent to Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF
<br /> funded construction projects and on vehicles funded with Measure B,Measure BB,and VRF funds (e.g.,
<br /> RECIPIENT and ALAMEDA CTC logos;`Your Transportation Tax Dollars Help Fund the Operation of This
<br /> Vehicle!")where practical,so Alameda County taxpayers are informed as to how RECIPIENT is using Measure
<br /> B,Measure BB,and/or VRF funds.
<br /> 5. RECIPIENT shall provide current and accurate information on RECIPIENT's website,to
<br /> inform the public about how RECIPIENT is using Measure B,Measure BB,and/or VRF funds.
<br /> 6. RECIPIENT shall,at least annually,publish an article highlighting a project or program
<br /> funded by Measure B,Measure BB,and/or VRF funds.
<br /> 7. RECIPIENT shall actively participate in a Public Awareness Program,in partnership with
<br /> ALAMEDA CTC and/or its community advisory committees,as a means of ensuring that the public has access
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