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The Construction General Permit's construction requirements include, but are not <br />limited to, the following: <br />Construction activities (including other land- disturbing activities) that disturb one <br />acre or more (including smaller sites that are part of a larger common plan of <br />development) are regulated under the NPDES stormwater program. Operators of <br />regulated construction sites are required to develop and implement a Stormwater <br />Pollution Prevention Plan and to obtain a Construction General Permit (NOI) from <br />the State Water Resources Control Board to discharge stormwater: <br />http: / / /water issues /programs /stormwater /docs /fi <br />nalconstpermit.pdf <br />Stormwater <br />1. The project developer shall submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan <br />(SWPP) for review by the City Engineer /Chief Building Official prior to <br />issuance of building or engineering permits. A reviewed copy of the SWPPP <br />shall be available at the project site until engineering and building permits <br />have been signed off by the inspection departments and all work is complete. <br />A site specific SWPPP must be combined with proper and timely installation <br />of the BMPs, thorough and frequent inspections, maintenance, and <br />documentation. Failure to comply with the reviewed construction SWPPP <br />may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations or stop work orders. <br />2. The amendments to the SWPPP and all the inspection forms shall be <br />completed and available at the site for inspection by the city, county or state <br />staff. <br />3. The project developer is responsible for implementing the following Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs). These, as well as any other applicable <br />measure, shall be included in the SWPPP and implemented as approved by <br />the City. <br />a) The project developer shall include erosion control /stormwater quality <br />measures on the final grading plan which shall specifically address <br />measures to prevent soil, dirt, and debris from entering the storm drain <br />system. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, <br />hydroseeding, hay bales, sandbags, and siltation fences and are subject <br />to the review and approval of the City Engineer /Chief Building Official. If <br />no grading plan is required, necessary erosion control /stormwater quality <br />measures shall be shown on the site plan submitted for an on -site permit, <br />subject to the review and approval of the Building and Safety Division. <br />The project developer is responsible for ensuring that the contractor is <br />aware of and implements such measures. <br />24 of 27 <br />