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Mark Priscaro spoke in regards to PUD 25 and that it was a fair compromise; it is the same people who <br />do not want the actual referendum to go to the voters. The referendum is not about Measure PP, rather <br />it is about a select group of individuals that live on hillsides who do not want this project "in their <br />backyard." They do not want to accept traffic or views from their own hillsides. Do not let them get away <br />with it. They go out and ask residents to sign the petition and now they are requesting not to let them <br />vote. It is hypocrisy. This election will give all the voters the opportunity to carefully investigate the facts <br />rather than the false statements posted to the proponent's website. He requested a blend of Options 3 <br />and 4 for the ballot measure language. He supports placing the measure on the June ballot and <br />encouraged residents to investigate the facts, visit the project site, and see for themselves that the <br />homes will be below the ridges. He recited a quotation from actor Samuel Jackson. <br />Justin Brown stated that one of the frequent promises of the referendum proponents was to give <br />residents a chance to vote. He implored them to stop trying to strong -arm the Council. He mentioned <br />proponent Allen Roberts and encouraged him to let them vote in June for costs you asked the residents <br />who signed the petition to incur. The referendum proponents only received 298 signatures above the <br />required minimum and there does not seem to be an overwhelming mandate by the residents for this <br />referendum. He also indicated that many of the signatures were gathered using false information, <br />accusations that Councilmembers would benefit financially, and that some of the graphics shown by <br />petitioners were from Oak Grove and not reflective of this project. He requested support for ballot <br />measure language Option 3, with the addition of the phrase "southeast Pleasanton" and other brief <br />modifications. <br />In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Brown, public speaker Justin Brown stated that he just <br />wants to vote to occur so the community can move on from this issue. <br />Bill Lincoln, Sycamore Heights resident, stated that each of the Councilmembers received a group <br />email from him. He supported the success of the Lund Ranch II referendum as he believes the project <br />needs more thought and modification. He stated that during the signature gathering there were <br />frustrations from the residents regarding the amount of building throughout the City and the perception <br />that the City readily gives developers what they want. We do not have the infrastructure or water <br />service in place to serve this new community as designed. Rescinding the Ordinance will incur no <br />further cost to the City and the savings could be used to mitigate traffic. He stated that Mayor Thorne <br />and Councilmember Narum stated they were against spending City money and now they will be doing <br />just that if they call for a vote. If the Council does elect to send this matter to the voters, he suggested a <br />November election to minimize costs and encouraged simple, clear ballot language. He would prefer <br />that they rescind the Ordinance and send the project back to the builder, City Council and staff, and <br />both neighborhoods to design a legally compliant development. <br />Greg O'Connor is a Hillside protection and Measure PP supporter. Lund Ranch II is larger than just a <br />dispute between two neighborhoods as there are six or more projects to come before the Council with <br />similar issues. There was a hillside analysis report in 2008 which identified the developments that could <br />be affected by Measure PP, of which two projects are currently before the City. He is concerned about <br />a Community Development Department update received a few weeks ago (P150564) and the <br />precedent that could be set by the Lund Ranch II project. They have gone back and forth with <br />definitions of key points of Measure PP and it is obvious this project does not fit the intent of Measure <br />PP. When the residents voted in Measure PP, they thought they would be getting no scarring and no <br />grading on any of the hills with more than 25% slope or within 100 feet of a ridge. Please rescind the <br />approval for the Lund Ranch II project and allow the neighbors and developers more time to find a <br />Measure PP compliant project. <br />Vicki LaBarge stated she was a 32 year resident of Mission Park. In regard to getting people to sign the <br />initiative, the only way they would have signed is if they were lied to. They were told it would stop all <br />development in the hills, if she did not know better she probably would have signed it, too. Mission Park <br />and Ventana Hills residents can educate other citizens about the fair compromise that was reached and <br />City Council Minutes Page 5 of 10 March 1, 2016 <br />
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