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7. Approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with <br />Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc. in the amount of $34,220 to design the <br />tennis and community park -two additional tennis courts project, CIP 14703; and authorized the <br />Director of Engineering to approve a contingency amount up to $5,780 <br />MOTION: It was m/s by Narum /Brown to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. <br />Motion passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmembers Brown, Narum, Olson, Pentin, Mayor Thome <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br />Public Comment <br />Supervisor Nate Miley announced a forum the County is holding and appreciates the City and <br />staff for facilitating the meetings in Pleasanton. The Alameda County Transportation forum will be <br />on held on Thursday, March 31, 2016, 6:30 — 8:30p.m. at the Palm Pavilion Fairgrounds. Topics <br />include BART to Livermore, the widening of State Route 84, 580 express lanes, and traffic relief <br />on Foothill Road. <br />Bill Wheeler, owner of Black Tie Transportation on the corner of Johnson and Commerce Drives. <br />He spoke about his concerns with the Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone. He is part of <br />a group called "Citizens for Planned Growth," which has introduced an initiative to limit the size of <br />any big box store in the JDEDZ. The initiative should be a relatively inexpensive way to determine <br />the will of the people and not meant to cause harm or ill will but all people to vote to get something <br />they deem important. A big box store in the JDEDZ will affect most people in Pleasanton and they <br />should have a say in the process. Thank you for the platform and looks forward to working with <br />the City. He encouraged the community to visit and looks forward <br />to seeing everyone at the April 12, 2016 workshop. <br />Allen Roberts spoke about the Council's decision at the last meeting to put Lund Ranch on the <br />ballot. They also voted to have two Council members work with the Ventana Hills Steering <br />Committee to write the direct arguments for the passage of Measure K, approving Lund Ranch. <br />He was surprised to receive a call from a group in New Mexico asking if they could ask some <br />questions about Pleasanton Schools. Only after they ascertained he was a resident and <br />registered voter in Pleasanton did they disclose that they wanted his opinion on each City <br />Councilmember and the upcoming ballot measure concerning Lund Ranch. They also asked his <br />opinion about a small group of anti - growth activists in Pleasanton who oppose all development in <br />Pleasanton, if he had a positive opinion about it, and knew the Lund Ranch developer donated <br />land for Bernal Park and other leading questions in their 20 minute phone call. He believes that <br />the Council and the Steering Committee are just a front for expensive polling so a political <br />consultant could create a fancy ballot argument. He is sorry to see, right out of the gate, <br />misinformation being spread to the citizens. The Measure PP supporters are working around the <br />kitchen table to create their arguments as to why it needs to be defended for this and other hillside <br />projects. They will educate citizens about the importance of defending the hillsides and ridges as <br />PP intended. He is certain the voters will make the right choice and defeat Measure K in June. <br />Patrick Follain expressed concern regarding the Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone. <br />The business community is filled with a dynamic mix of eclectic organizations including a western <br />saddlery, Crossfit, baseball training facility, contractor services, landscapers, engineering firms, a <br />Bible church, and contractor services. None of the businesses he polled were solicited for this <br />City Council Minutes Page 2 of 10 March 15, 2016 <br />