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location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessee, subtenants, sublessees or <br /> vendees of the land." <br /> 6.7 Mandatory Acknowledgment of City as Funder. All projects/programs receiving <br /> funding assistance and/or substantial technical assistance from the City are required to indicate <br /> such in any advertising, marketing, public presentations, press releases, written materials or <br /> project descriptions. Developer shall comply with the following requirements: <br /> (i) During Project construction,temporary signage identifying City funding <br /> and/or technical assistance must be appropriately displayed during the major portion of the <br /> construction phase. Such signage must be provided by Developer and must be pre-approved by <br /> the City in design and content. <br /> (ii) Permanent Signage must be attached to all completed projects and must be <br /> displayed in a visible, heavily trafficked area of the Project,e.g., front lobby, main entry or <br /> walkway, etc. The location of the display must be approved by the City. Permanent historical <br /> signage in the form of an 8"x 10"bronze plaque may be provided by City and may be <br /> reimbursed from Loan Proceeds as a Project cost. As an alternative, City may agree to other <br /> signage that acknowledges City, but such signage must be approved in advance. <br /> ARTICLE VII <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS <br /> 7.1 Developer's Post-Closing Obligations. Developer hereby covenants and agrees <br /> that: <br /> (I) Developer shall not knowingly permit the Property or any portion thereof <br /> to be a site for the use, generation,treatment, manufacture, storage, disposal or <br /> transportation of Hazardous Material or otherwise knowingly permit the presence or <br /> release of Hazardous Material in,on, under, about or from the Property with the <br /> exception of limited amounts of cleaning supplies and other materials customarily used in <br /> construction, rehabilitation, use or maintenance of residential properties similar in nature <br /> to the Project, and used, stored and disposed of in compliance with Environmental Laws. <br /> (2) Developer shall keep and maintain the Property and each portion thereof <br /> in compliance with, and shall not cause or permit the Project or the Property or any <br /> portion of either to be in violation of, any Environmental Laws. <br /> (3) Upon receiving actual knowledge of the same, Developer shall <br /> immediately advise City in writing of: (i) any and all enforcement, cleanup, removal or <br /> other governmental or regulatory actions instituted,completed or threatened against the <br /> Developer, or the Property pursuant to any applicable Environmental Laws; (ii)any and <br /> all claims made or threatened by any third party against the Developer or the Property <br /> relating to damage, contribution, cost recovery, compensation, loss or injury resulting <br /> from any Hazardous Material; (iii)the presence or release of any Hazardous Material in, <br /> OAK#4822-6539-6013 v3 22 <br />