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5.2 Cost of Acquisition and Construction. Except as expressly set forth herein, <br /> Developer shall be solely responsible for all direct and indirect costs and expenses incurred in <br /> connection with the acquisition of a leasehold interest in the Property, including without <br /> limitation appraisal fees, title reports and any environmental assessments Developer elects to <br /> undertake. Except as expressly set forth herein,all costs of designing, developing and <br /> constructing the Project and compliance with the Conditions of Approval, including without <br /> limitation all off-site and on-site improvements required by City in connection therewith, shall be <br /> borne solely by Developer and shall not be an obligation of the City. <br /> 5.3 Project Approvals. Developer acknowledges that execution of this Agreement by <br /> City does not constitute City approval for the purpose of the issuance of building permits, does <br /> not limit in any manner the discretion of City in such approval process, and does not relieve <br /> Developer from the obligation to apply for and obtain from City and all other agencies with <br /> jurisdiction over the Property, all necessary approvals,entitlements, and permits for the <br /> construction of the Project and development of the Property, including without limitation,the <br /> approval of architectural plans,the issuance of any certificates regarding historic resources <br /> required in connection with the development of the Property(if any) and the approval of the <br /> Project in compliance with CEQA(and if applicable,NEPA), nor does it limit in any manner the <br /> discretion of the City or any other agency in the approval process. Developer shall pay when due <br /> all customary and reasonable fees and charges in connection with the processing of all applicable <br /> permits and approvals. Developer shall not commence construction work on the Project prior to <br /> issuance of building permits required for such work. City staff shall work cooperatively with <br /> Developer to assist in coordinating the expeditious processing and consideration of all permits, <br /> entitlements and approvals necessary for the development and operation of the Project as <br /> contemplated by this Agreement. <br /> 5.4 Design Review; Conditions of Approval. Developer shall submit a Project site <br /> plan and design documents, including elevations and schematic drawings to City for review and <br /> approval. Developer shall develop the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of <br /> this Agreement and in compliance with the approved site plan and design documents and the <br /> terms and conditions of all approvals, entitlements and permits that the City or any other <br /> governmental body or agency with jurisdiction over the Project or the Property has granted or <br /> issued as of the date hereof or may hereafter grant or issue in connection with development of <br /> the Project, including without limitation, all mitigation measures imposed in connection with <br /> environmental review of the Project and all conditions of approval imposed in connection with <br /> any entitlements, approvals or permits(all of the foregoing approvals,entitlements, permits, <br /> mitigation measures and conditions of approval are hereafter collectively referred to as the <br /> "Conditions of Approval"). <br /> 5.5 Fees. Developer shall be solely responsible for, and shall promptly pay when due, <br /> all customary and usual fees and charges of City and all other agencies with jurisdiction over <br /> development of the Property in connection with obtaining building permits and other approvals <br /> for the Project, including without limitation, those related to the processing and consideration of <br /> amendments, if any,to the current entitlements, any related approvals and permits, <br /> environmental review, architectural review, historic review, and any subsequent approvals for <br /> the Project. <br /> OAK#4822-6539-6013 v3 14 <br />